Just a reminder to British “The Tudors” fans who might have missed my post about the BBC finally airing the final season of “The Tudors”. Make sure you tune in to BB2 at 9.45pm this Saturday, 22nd January, for episode 1 of The Tudors Season 4, the final season. It’s also on BBC HD at the same time.

Here is the blurb from the BBC website:-
“August, 1540. A heatwave heightens the hidden passions of Henry’s court as he reveals his marriage to Katherine Howard, a giddy girl who excites interest in others.”


For those of you in the USA, BBC America is airing the first season of The Tudors starting with Episode 1 today, Wednesday 19th @10/9c – see the BBC America The Tudors webpage for details.

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10 thoughts on “The Tudors News”
  1. It’s great that we are finally getting to see Season 4! It feels like it’s been a very long wait since the end of Season 3. Thanks for keeping us updated Claire!

  2. I was watching BBC America this past weekend! They had The Tudors playing then too! Except the info was screwed up and kept saying Season 1 information for Season 2. The worst was when it said information for Season 1 Episode 3–When Henry meets Anne Boleyn and the actual episode was the Season Finale for Season 2!!! I don’t think Henry meeting Anne is him having her executed! Oh well…it was fun to watch on TV and was super excited when I saw it was on…. 🙂 Hope everyone enjoys Season 4!!

    1. I was watching those too, and the screwed up information was SOOOO annoying! I recorded seasons 1 and 2, but my recorder thought it had accidentally saved 1 twice so it deleted 2!

  3. After watching 3 seasons of the Tudors I was disappointed with the final Season. The cast seemed tired of their roles and I felt that Tamzin Merchant was badly cast as Catherine Howard which is not entirely her fault as the script called for her to do little but giggle her way through the show. Only at the end when she faces execution does the pathos show. I am not a purist when it comes to taking a bit of license with the facts, but the final season lacked something integral. I may find myself in the minority here but to me the stand out performance was Sarah Bolger as Princess/lady Mary.
    But I hope others may enjoy the final season of the Tudors. Let’s hope oneday they might look at making a show on the Plantagenets.
    kind regards

    1. Hi Marie.
      Having just seen the final series of “The Tudors”, it prompted me to look through some comments of those that had been able to view this series earlier, so apologies for the time lag! I must also be in the minority then, for I also thought that Sarah Bolger put in a stunning performance throughout, her presence seemed to light up every scene she was in. I do not regard myself as a purist either, and we all know that “the Tudors” was not 100% accurate, but a lot of it was accurate and, overall, I enjoyed all four series and will miss my weekly fix of “The Tudors”. I would have liked it to continue to its logical conclusion to 1603 and the end of the Elizabethan period, but your idea of a series on the Plantagenets seems equally valid. Anything to keep history (even in the form of entertainment) on our screens, and if it promotes as much debate as “The Tudors” then it can only be a good thing in bringing history to the fore.

      1. Hello Neil

        thanks for your response. I also hope that people who have watched ‘The Tudors’ will feel inclined to perhaps study the reigns of the Tudors via bona fide historians, which is what I did.

        I was also disappointed that the ‘Tudors’ was overlooked at the Emmy Awards and Golden Globes. There were such stand out performances, not only from Johnathon Rhys Meyers(who played Henry VIII brilliantly)but also Nick Dunning, Sam Neill, Jeremy Northam, Maria Doyle Kennedy and the incredible Natalie Dormer and ofcourse Sarah Bolger. I am so glad that in the last season they did include her in the opening credits(about time!).

        I also find it incredible that centuries later we are still discussing Anne Boleyn, I think she would’ve like that:).

        Kind Regards

        Marie PS: Fingers crossed that one day producers will make ‘The Plantagenets’.

        1. Hello Marie,
          Thanks for your reply.
          Yes, I agree there were many good performances, esp’ by Natalie Dormer (as neither of us are purists I think we can forgive the blue eyes!).
          Fingers crossed!
          Kind regards.

  4. This entire series was fabulous and well done. It kept to the facts quite closely of the live of King Henry VIII and his six wives. I only found a couple of places where they made a mistake in facts: the marriage of Henry’s sister Mary, whom they kept calling Margaret to the king of Portugal when in fact she married King Louis XII of France for one. The costumes were great and the settings were fantastic. I enjoyed their version of what Whitehall palace might have looked like. The women they picked to play the wives were good as far as maybe looking like the real queen, although Catherine Parr was not a blond…and neither was Catherine Howard. The actress who played Catherine of Aragon was great and the actress who played Anne Boleyn did her part to the tee…..!! They could have searched maybe a bit further to find a man who looked more like King Henry VIII however. I bought the entire series and have watched it several times enjoying it each and every time…….

  5. I am truely the ‘the most happy’ that season 4 will be on BBC! Although i admit to having all the seasons on dvd i love the rush of seeing the title the tudors while surfing the channels and doing a happy dance. Plus i can finally get others to watch it with out letting others take my precious dvds!lol! The show is just pure entertainment although riddled with inaccuracies im too caught up with the show to care sometimes. Catherine Parr has always been my second favorite wife(Anne as my first naturally) so it was splendid to see her and how they portrayed her. Plus seeing more of the PRINCESS (lol) Elizabeth is truly delightful! Seeing the shadows of the great Queen she becomes is awe inspiring! I know i squeal for joy when Hnry interacts with Elizabeth and when he get glimpses of Anne in her!

  6. I don’t know if any other members will have BT Vision at home?. I was just about going to buy the first three series on dvd when I checked out my BT vision pack to see what it includes and to my amazement found that it has all three series of The Tudors. I am now about to watch Episode 6 of the first series and have thought up a new word for all of us who enjoy both history and the Tudor period ….. ‘Tudorised’… I reckon to be fully up to speed by the end of next week!!!

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