Just a quickie post to alert you to the fact that Dr Susan Bordo and her research assistant are looking for women aged 20 or under to interview for her upcoming book “The Creation of Anne Boleyn”. Here is more information from “The Creation of Anne Boleyn” Facebook page where you can register your interest:-

“Are you an Anne Boleyn fan? Do you buy Anne Boleyn jewelry on etsy, debate the merits of Natalie Dormer’s Anne versus Natalie Portman’s Anne, or just generally believe that Anne was the best queen England ever had? If you are, and especially if you are age 20 or younger, author Susan Bordo would like to talk to you! In her upcoming book The Creation of Anne Boleyn, Susan will write about how people have viewed and talked about Anne over the centuries. She needs interviews with you to understand how young women view Anne today. If you are interested, please convo here! If a long interview is not your thing, be on the lookout for questions from this site’s news feed, and answer as you feel inspired!

Also, if you are over the age of 20, please share your love for Anne as well! Follow along for updates on upcoming talks with Susan and other publishing updates!

For more info on Susan, please see http://criticaltheory-download-ebooks.blogspot.com/2010/12/who-is-susan-bordo.html

Disclaimer: Please be aware that by posting any information on the walls of The Creation of Anne Boleyn page, you agree that Susan Bordo and her research assistant, Natalie Sweet, can collect any of your comments or interviews to use for publication in The Creation of Anne Boleyn. No monetary compensation will be provided for your comments or interviews. Additionally, if you are 17 or younger, parental consent must be obtained before your comments can be used or published. Please be aware that Facebook is not collecting your information in this process.”

You can find the Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/thecreationofanneboleyn?sk=wall

Dr Susan Bordo is author of “Unbearable Weight” and “The Male Body”.

Here is an interview with Susan regarding her book on Anne Boleyn:-

I’ll be interested to read what Susan learns from speaking to women about Anne Boleyn, should be an interesting book!

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