The Anne Boleyn Experience Tour Day 1

Hello from Hever Castle! It’s 7.30am here and I’ve been awake since 5 and didn’t get to bed until 2am – I am buzzing! I’m just too excited being back at Hever to waste time sleeping! To be here at Anne Boleyn’s family home is just amazing. I’ve stayed here before, but the novelty and the impact just never wear off.

As the tour is run by British History Tours in association with the Tudor Society, I’m going to be sharing an account of each day on the Tudor Society website – – along with photos. I’m also hoping to do Facebook Live videos on the Tudor Society Facebook page and I’ll also be sharing photos on the Tudor Society Instagram account too. I’ll also be posting here on the Anne Boleyn Files with links to my day-by-day diary of the tour.

So….. you can read about our first evening at Hever Castle by clicking here.

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2 thoughts on “The Anne Boleyn Experience Tour Day 1”
  1. I hope you have a lovely time Claire Hever Castle is so beautiful and it’s a magical feeling knowing you are in Anne’s old home, her spirit is there with you I’m sure, along the gallery are figures re enacting Anne’s life, I went there once many years ago passing through Tunbridge wells, if I won the lottery I’d buy it and sleep in Anne’s bedroom!

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