Testimonials from the history tour I was on

As you know, I’ve not long got back from The Anne Boleyn Experience Tour 2018, a history tour run by British History Tours in association with the Tudor Society. It was so much fun! If I had to say what my very favourite part of the tour was, I’d have to say talking Tudor with people whose eyes don’t glaze over, people who are actually interested in chatting about Tudor history – that’s so good! I actually lost my voice after this tour, that’s how much talking I did! And I did let other people get a word in!

I’m already counting the days to our next history tour, which is the “Discover the Tudors Tour” and which runs from 16-24 September 2018. Philippa assures me that there are still spaces left and you can find out more on the tour page at www.britishhistorytours.com/history-tours/discover-the-tudors. 8 nights of staying up and talking Tudor with other night owls – bliss! This time I’ll take some throat lozenges though.

At the bottom of this post is a video of testimonials from tour participants. Some were back for their fourth tour! Real friendships are made because shared passions really do bring people together.

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