I am ecstatic, blown away, thrilled, speechless (when am I ever actually speechless?) and oh so happy to tell you that when I looked at the sales figures for The Anne Boleyn Collection at 10.30 this morning (Spain time) it had sold 1024 copies since the 16th February 2012. That’s 1024 copies in three weeks!
Now, I’m not telling you this to show off (well, perhaps a teensy weensy bit – can you forgive me?), I’m actually telling you about this because it’s down to you guys. I’ve been so heart-warmed by your response to the book, by the support you’ve given me and by the way that you have spread the message – thank you! I cannot describe just how thankful I am and how blessed I feel to have you guys rooting for me and my work, you are the best!
Congratulations, Claire!!! Woooo Hoooooo !!!! Just started my new job Monday and will get my first pay packets around the first of April….your book will be the first thing I buy! Can’t wait to read it, hun, and thanks so much for all of your hard work and dedication x 😀
Thank you, Lois, I just can’t believe it! I am so grateful to everyone for their support and thank you to you xx
Claire, congratulations! :-))) I am so happy for you! You deserve it! 🙂
I just ordered my copy (out of stock and will ship when available) and I can’t wait to get it! Huge congrats!
How do I order a copy?
Hi Morgan,
Here is the Amazon link – http://www.amazon.com/Anne-Boleyn-Collection-Truth-Tudors/dp/1470038161/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1331189368&sr=1-5. It’s also on Barnes and Noble. Hope that helps and thank you 🙂
And I so look forward to getting a copy – of course I have been following your Virtual Book Tour and keep hoping that I might get to win a signed copy. But if not, then I look forward to getting it from Amazon!! Look forward to reading your site every day.
I don’t think Claire, that any of us had any doubts about the success of your book, and we share in your joy and excitement. So very well done, your hard work deserves recognition. CHEERS!!! 🙂