Still time to buy Everyday Life of Medieval Folk at half price

50_percent_offJust a reminder that you still have time to buy historian Toni Mount’s twenty-unit online history course Everyday Life of Medieval Folk at half price. The course is $49.50 at the moment but goes to full price ($99) on 1st January 2016. Click here to view all the details and to sign up.

We always hear about medieval kings, queens and nobility, yet we rarely get to hear about the normal everyday people of the times. In this twenty-part course, historian Toni Mount outlines the daily routines and specialisms that various types of people had in the medieval era. Delving deep into her research on the subject and using primary sources, Toni has uncovered the names of specific, real people and uses records of their lives to give us an insight into what it was really like to live in the medieval world.

Carefully and lovingly narrated by Claire Ridgway, you’ll discover that life was more fun, more vivid and more difficult than you could possibly have imagined.

Note: This is an online course of downloadable or streaming audio lectures which can be done in your own time and you have lifetime access to the course once you have signed up and paid. There is no set start or end date, you can do it at your own pace.

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