There were so many of you interested in Kristen Doherty’s play “Queens: Hell Hath no Fury Like a Woman Scorned”, which was performed by her Year 12 drama pupils (16-18 year olds) in Australia, that I thought I would share this trailer to give you a flavour of the play.

Enjoy the clip!

As I said in my previous post on the play -see “Anne Boleyn: An Inspiration” – Kristen’s play is about Henry VIII chained up in Purgatory having to relive the way that he treated his six wives and daughters, by seeing his “other self” with them, and also seeing the effect his treatment of them had on the future. This is what Kristen had to say about her play:

“We have all heard of Henry the VIII the Tudor King, infamous for brutalising his subjects, and wives, and summoning the Reformation, thus changing the face of religion in England forever. Thousands of innocent people lost their heads during the tyranical King’s reign. Now Henry is getting his just desserts!

Trapped in purgatory for almost 500 years and chained to a massive throne which has become his guilded cage, his keeper the Fool; the King’s jester, delights in his former master’s daily anguish as the Henry is forced to relive the moments he most wronged his Queens over and over again. Not just his 6 wives; Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Kathryn Howard and Katherine Parr, but also his legacy, Lady Jane Grey and daughters (Bloody) Mary and Elizabeth I.”

Many of you asked if you could see the script or get a copy of it. Well, Kristen is hoping to get it published in the near future and so doesn’t want to share it at the moment, but I will let you know when it is available.

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6 thoughts on “Queens Play Clip”
  1. That play looks amazing! I would love to see the whole thing! It’s hard to believe the actors are of high school age.

  2. I have to say that this looks fantastic, but I’m ashamed to admit I can’t understand a word they’re saying because of the sound quality. Well, I can understand some of it, but not most of it.

    I wish she’d publish the play so we could at least read it. It sounds fascinating.

  3. Since I love theatre, I can’t wait for this play to be published! I like the way they play it. Can the DVD be read in Europe? And I plan to buy and read The Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn, but since historical fiction can be disappointing, can someone tell me if it’s good?

  4. OH what a tease! I want to see this now!!! I am surprised that Hollywood hasn’t come calling for this script with the Tudors being so popular right now! It would make a great movie or at least a miniseries!

    I can’t believe these are kids playing these roles! I am so impressed!

    Lexy I did read the Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn and I really enjoyed it! I think you will too!

    Please check out the Forum as we are starting a book club/discussion group!

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