On This Day in Tudor History Paperback Now Available

Just to let you know that the On This Day in Tudor History paperback is now available on some of the Amazon sites and will be filtering through to the others soon.

Here are the links for Amazon US and Amazon UK:

The Kindle version went live yesterday.

Thank you so much for your support. The book hit number one in three of the Amazon US best-seller lists yesterday and number two in another list so I’m blown away! I do hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

P.S. In celebration of the launch of On This Day in Tudor History, I’ve lowered the price of the Kindle version of The Anne Boleyn Collection to $0.99 or £0.99.

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15 thoughts on “On This Day in Tudor History Paperback Now Available”
  1. Just ordered this book today from amazon as an wedding anniversary gift to myself 🙂 Roll on the 7th November, estimated delivery date…..

  2. Hi, just asked my hubby to get me the paperback version for Christmas, sounds a fab book and right up my street!!

  3. Received my copy this am, and I haven’t been able to put it down for more than 10mins at a time.
    After looking up all the obvious dates related to us as a family birthdays etc – I just keep going back for more.

    You said that Prof. Ives book on A.B. was your bible, I think that many, many like minded people as myself who enjoy all things Tudor, as their hobby, past-time, or study, at what ever level, this book will become our ‘Bible’. It’s the book to have on hand when reading others, whether they be fact or fiction, to ensure that the True date of an event is known, and lead newcomers to the wonderous world of the the Tudors up the right path. I wish I had such a book as this when my passion for this era began many moons ago.
    Although I enjoyed and value your other two books immensely, this one has ‘Smashed’ it, because of it’s rich source of information….this third book has definately got the Xtra-factor for me.
    So a BIG congratulations on your sucess, on your hard work and dedication, they will be appreciated world wide, I am sure.
    And many thanks too, to your family who have ‘lent’ you for the long period of time it has taken for you to compile this book, not to mention all the other work you do for the AB Files, it is appreciated. So very well done Claire….back to my book now, not a lot going to get done today… 🙂

    1. Hi Dawn,
      Wow! Your comments have made my day! Thank you so much and I’m very happy that you like the book so much, that means a lot to me. It took a few years to compile all the information and I enjoyed every minute of it. I kept finding new interesting people and then going off on tangents researching them. Thank you so much for your comments. Would you mind leaving a review on Amazon when you’ve finished the book? I don’t think it has any on Amazon UK yet.
      Enjoy your reading!

      1. Already done that Claire, I’m more than half way through the book now, and I know I don’t have to finish it to write a review on what a well written valuable source of information this book is, it”s a credit to you,so sit back and enjoy your triumph girl 🙂

  4. Operation cancelled due to my slight cough (apparently dangerous to have anestetic and a cough?!) but I read your book anyway and it is AMAZING I love it! I will definetly be reading it again and again!!

    1. Oh no! So sorry that it’s been postponed, that’s not nice when you’ve psyched yourself up for it. I hope your cough gets better soon and I hope my book is cheering you up. Would you mind leaving a review on Amazon when you’ve finished? Thanks!

      1. Just did! (As JohnMcM since I am not trusted to have my own debit card since I’m only a teenager and I do a LOT of shopping!) Plus operation is resceduled for the Christmas holidays! In the midst of my misery your book has cheered me up! Thank you!

  5. Claire, congrats on the book. I’ve got the kindle version I’m going through now. I’ve also looked up special dates (birthdays, anniversaries) and am now just trying to go day to day. I ordered the hard copy book as well and am waiting on delivery from Amazon. I’ll keep that copy at work so I can get my Tudor on at work too! Thank you for sharing your knowledge of all things Tudor with us! I’m so happy to have found your site!!

  6. Hi Claire,

    Congrats! Got the Kindle edition this morning and can hardly put it down! Within the first few pages I found the name, Elizabeth Poyntz, my 14th great grand aunt! Did not know that she was Nanny to an heir to the throne! Hope to see more of my ancestors here. I so enjoyed The Fall of Ann Boleyn. Just can’t get enough of those Tudors! Thanks for sharing all your hard work and please keep it coming!

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