My videos on Becoming Elizabeth

I’m currently doing weekly videos on each episode of the Starz series, “Becoming Elizabeth” on my YouTube Channel and posting them over on The Elizabeth Files. The idea was to look at the real history behind the events featured in the episodes, but my episode 2 part 1 video was a bit different.

It was a bit of a rant! I got on my soapbox because I had issues with how Thomas Seymour’s behaviour with 14-year-old Elizabeth was being depicted. It made me son angry and I shared my views in my video at the beginning of the week. I’m so glad I did this, not only because it’s led to so many discussions about the topics for abuse and grooming, but it also led to me receiving comments from Tom Cullen, who plays Thomas Seymour in the series, and Anya Reiss, the writer. It’s brilliant of them to get in contact and to explain the thinking behind this storyline and how it’s going to play out. A big thank you to them.

Here are links to posts I’ve done on The Elizabeth Files about the episodes and also the feedback I received. A big thank you to all those who’ve commented and sent me messages too.

As you know, I’m doing an online Elizabeth I event which starts properly in September. I can’t wait until September so I’ve started doing a weekly discussion with event participants about each episode of Becoming Elizabeth. We’re getting together via Zoom tomorrow at 10pm London/5pm New York. Find out more about the event and register at It’ll be fun to share our views on this series and the real historical people and events.

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