Mary Boleyn Webinar – 27th October

Just a reminder about the Anne Boleyn Fellowship Webinar taking place next Thursday, 27th October, at 8pm US Eastern time.

In this webinar, I will be looking at the various representations of Mary Boleyn, sister of Anne Boleyn, and attempting to debunk the myths that surround her. Was she really “the great and infamous wh*re”? Did she give birth to the King’s children? Was she a woman who followed her heart? How did she escape the events of 1536? What was her relationship with her family like?…

I will also be discussing some of the theories put forward by Alison Weir in her recent book on Mary.

If you are a member of The Anne Boleyn Fellowship then you can find out more about it on the Webinars page of the Fellowship site. If you’re not a member then you can join now at and enjoy this webinar, the magazine, audios, videos and much more!

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