I’ve just received an email from British History Online (Institute of Historical Research in London), a wonderful website which I use on a daily basis to browse primary sources, and they need your help.
They’re running a test on the next generation of historical research interface from today until next Thursday (3rd November) which consists of 8 quick tasks. It should only take around a minute to complete and just requires participants to click somewhere on the screen to signal their preference. It will really help the Institute in making their website and sources easier to navigate and browse.
Please spare a minute of your time to help this wonderful website. Thank you!
The test can be found at http://verifyapp.com/u/0732f77e200907d46fe5c9979307220a64173e4f
Will do – would be lost without it.
Easy test! Glad to help!
It said that this test was over, but offered another. One with which of the two screens you would choose, but gave only about 15 seconds to look at each, and then write in five things one remembers, then one on how to find a job at “Britsh History Online,” and then another one. All three were easy, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to play. BTW, I’ve searched “The Chronicle of Higher Education” for jobs, and this one was very useful as well. Thank you! WilesWales