Join me for Anne Boleyn Week! – 13-19 May 2024

Anne Boleyn week logoJoin me for Anne Boleyn Week as I pay tribute to the victims of the coup against Queen Anne Boleyn in spring 1536.

Each day, from today, 13th May, up to and including 19th May, I will be posting daily videos about the victims of the plot against the queen. I’m also going live on YouTube on Saturday 18th May and Sunday 19th May at 10.30pm UK time / 5.30pm New York time to answer your questions about Queen Anne Boleyn and her fall. I do hope you can join me.

The Anne Boleyn Files and Tudor Society YouTube Channel can be found at and I’ll also be sharing my videos here.

Please do subscribe to my channel so that you get informed about my two live Q&A sessions. I hope to see you there!

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