As it’s Mothering Sunday in the UK today, I want to wish mothers everywhere a very Happy Mother’s Day and here is a photo of one of my Anne Boleyn roses to cheer your day.

I have written various articles on Anne Boleyn the mother and here is one of them – Anne Boleyn the Mother – enjoy!

Today is also the anniversary of the birth of Mary Tudor, Queen of France, sister of Henry VIII, and you can read all about Mary in the following articles:-

Also, on this day in history, in 1554, the twenty year old Lady Elizabeth was escorted to the Tower of London and imprisoned there:-

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2 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s Day!”
  1. Is that the picture of your ‘Anne Boleyn’ rose there Claire?
    Guess what!! I got on for Mother’s Day’, well in a round-about way…was at a garden centre few days before and spotted it, and stood fixated in front of it till hubby took the hint and bought me it aaaah…bless him, (well there was no way I was going to move till I got it though…) 🙂
    Do there celebrate Mothering Sunday in Spain, Claire?
    Anyway hope you had a nice day relaxing, after all the hard work and celebrating you have been doing this year so far. Congrats on the book once again…

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