Thomas_Cranmer_by_Gerlach_FlickeHappy 526th birthday to His Grace Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, who was born on 2nd July 1489 in Aslockton, Nottinghamshire.

You can read more about Cranmer in my article The Life of Archbishop Thomas Cranmer and in the following articles:

If you want to know even more about Thomas Cranmer then you’ll enjoy next week. On Monday, Beth von Staats, author of Thomas Cranmer: In a Nutshell begins a seven day book/blog tour in which she will be sharing articles about this fascinating Tudor man and also doing interviews. I’ll be sharing more details on Monday, but here is the book tour poster:


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One thought on “Happy Birthday Archbishop Cranmer!”
  1. Those of us who are of the Anglican faith have much to be grateful for: The Archbishop is the true father of the Church of England giving us the 39 Articles and the Prayer Book.

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