George Boleyn Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway – Day 10

The_Tudor_Roses_-_The_Rose_Blog_-_2014-06-06_11.13.50 (Copy)Today, Clare and I are dropping in to The Tudor Roses blog to talk about George Boleyn’s love of falconry. The Tudor Roses are very special to us as we had the pleasure of meeting Emma and Darren a couple of years ago. Thank you Emma and Darren for being such kind hosts today!

This is your last-but-one chance to win a copy of George Boleyn: Tudor Poet, Courtier and Diplomat, so do head over to The Tudor Roses – click here – and follow the instructions.

There is only one more stop on our tour:

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4 thoughts on “George Boleyn Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway – Day 10”
  1. I keep trying to add a comment on the Tudor Roses website and I can’t seem to get to the comments page

    1. Hi Nancy,
      I’ve just tried commenting and mine got through, so perhaps there was a glitch. What happens when you click on “Add a comment”?

  2. Very interesting the blog on the Falconry Ladies. I know someone who lives close by who breeds different types of falcons and brings them on, they are very sort after. He has shipped them all over, as far as the Middle East, apparently it is still a very popular sport there. I have seen displays at game fairs etc, and I must admit I would like to have a go at it too, and archery.

  3. My mother’s maiden name was Faulkner – I am guessing that’s why falcons and their sport has always piqued my interest. We have mostly hawks here on the West Coast (of US) but I have been privileged to spot Golden Eagles twice in the past six years – very exciting!

    Claire and Clare: I’m about 1/3 of the way into your George Boleyn book. The amount of document-digging that you two must have done!!!! – and I just want you to know if, at any time in the process you wondered if anyone would appreciate what you’d undertaken, I do. I say that with slavish worship and devotion, as well as a tinge of envy for your access to those documents! Thank you, thank you.

    If you find yourselves in the San Francisco Bay Area, hit me up by email first, and I’ll be happy to host you to tour places off the beaten path, but totally cool and worth seeing. Cheers!

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