claire_and_clareYou may remember that a couple of weeks ago I asked for you questions on George Boleyn so that Clare Cherry and I could answer some of them for you. Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to ask a question, there were some great ones.

Clare and I got together last week for Tim to video us answering the questions and we were able to answer most of them. We talked for quite a long time (Tim wasn’t expecting to have to edit an hour of footage!), so Tim’s split the footage into nine videos. They will be added to YouTube over the next week, but here is the first one where Clare and I explain how we came to be writing a book on George together.

I do hope you enjoy the series of videos.

P.S. You may notice that the book title is now “George Boleyn: Tudor Poet, Courtier and Diplomat”. We changed it to reflect all the feedback we received on the cover and title – thank you so much for your help.

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9 thoughts on “George Boleyn Videos”
  1. Glad to be the first to comment! Great idea to post the videos as it adds a nice personal touch. I have always been quite fascinated with George and am looking forward to the book. My first introduction to Anne Boleyn was the through the classic historical novel called “Brief Gaudy Hour”. Best portrayal of George and his relationship to Anne that I have read. The scene where he recklessly – and bravely – reads Cromwell’s note outloud which suggested Henry’s impotence really stood out.

    1. Brief Gaudy Hour is one that I haven’t actually read, so I must read that, particularly if it has a good portrayal of Anne and George’s relationship. Thank you!

      1. Brief Gaudy Hour is great — lots of books have a good Anne/George dynamic (though that’s fallen off recently; I think modern authors don’t like to have Anne looking like she’s too dependent on him, and the “gay George Boleyn” meme means that George has started to get lots of angsty sexual issues of his own) but Denise is right, the trial scene in BGH just crackles.

  2. That was lovely to see and hear you both, and very interesting, can’t wait to view the other videos. I went back after watching it all the way through, and kept pausing the video to check out all the titles of the books on your shelves, lol. I do have some of the ones I managed to spot, wow.. I thought I had a lot!!…
    What is the sound track in the background, it’s lovely. Can you buy it on CD?

    1. Thank you! Tim says that the music is:
      Adieu mes amors by Heinrich Isaac (1450-1517)
      Ricercare by Adrian Willaert (1490-1562)
      Virgo Gloriosa by Adrian Willaert (1490-1562)

  3. How lovely to see you both, and many thanks to the unsung hero (Tim). I love the collection of dolls etc. I have only 2, but a great print of Hever Castle bought many years ago at the castle itself.
    I wonder if Anne ever met up with Diane de Poitiers, about whom I have been reading lately. I think they were both in the service of Queen Claude, Diane being about 7 years older than Anne, and of course married off very early, but I should have thought she and her husband would sometimes come up to the French court?

    1. Thank you and thank you for appreciating Tim, it’s taken him over a week to edit the videos – poor man!

      I think there’s a good chance that the two women would have met and I would love to have been a fly on the wall if the two had ever discussed art, music and such like. Two very intelligent ladies.

    2. Linda, poor Tim wouldn’t have had to spend so long editing if I hadn’t kept goofing up. But he’s managed to make me look intelligent. The man’s a genius!!

      1. We both messed up and had quite a laugh doing it too. Poor Tim having to cope with us, I’m pretty sure I was rather rude to him at one point!

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