Fiction Thursday and Friday – 99p/99c Books!


Just to let you know that MadeGlobal’s historical fiction books are on offer today (16th July) and tomorrow (17th July) as Kindle Countdown Deals for just 99c each on or 99p on

Here are links to the novels on special offer, simply click on the Amazon links:

That’s five novels for under $5/£5 so perfect to download on your kindle/tablet/phone/PC for summer reading – enjoy!

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8 thoughts on “Fiction Thursday and Friday – 99p/99c Books!”
  1. Hi!
    Do you know if there will be sequels to any of the books?
    At least “the Claimant” needs one, imo, though I really enjoyed the others as well. I couldn’t put down Phoenix Rising.

      1. Hi Anne,
        I’ve just checked and The Claimant kindle book is still at $0.99 and will be until the end of the day. Are you in the US? Kindle countdown deals are only available on Amazon UK for UK customers and for US customers.

    1. Hi Sandra,
      Amazon only do kindle countdown deals on Amazon UK and Amazon US at the moment. I do hope they roll these deals out to their other Amazon stores soon as I’m not in the UK or the US either.

        1. No, I have the page of Amazon us open before me and it states The Claimant $4.42

        2. It only quotes the US kindle countdown deal if you are viewing it within the US. You’re in Mexico, aren’t you, Yvette, so it will only show you the full price. It is only applicable to those with US and UK addresses.

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