Yay! It’s my turn! To celebrate the release of the paperback version of my book Illustrated Kings and Queens of England – which is just in time for Christmas too! – I’m off on a virtual book tour!
Although I’d love to travel to the US, back home to the UK, to Australia, the Netherlands etc… it’s more practical to do a virtual book tour – sigh… [gazes off in wishful thinking…then snaps back!].
I will be visiting five different blogs this week with guest articles or interviews and a giveaway of my book at each stop. I do hope you will follow me around these stops, I really would appreciate your support with this and it means so much to read people’s comments and to know you all read what I write.
Here’s the schedule for my tour:
My first stop is at Beth von Staats’ wonderful website QueenAnneBoleyn.com where I share an article on The English Monarchy and Interesting Deaths, just the thing to read on a Monday morning over coffee – click here. Don’t worry, they’re not gory or graphic! Beth also links to an interview she did with my daughter Verity. Illustrated Kings and Queens of England was a bit of a family project as I did the writing and Verity, and also my husband, Tim, worked on colouring and bringing to life 19th-century engravings for the book. They did a wonderful job.
Thank you to all the bloggers who are playing host to me this week, thank you to Rozelle at MadeGlobal Publishing for organising the tour, and thank you to all of you for your support with my work.
Here are the details about my book…
With stunning colour illustrations of the 59 English kings and queens from Alfred the Great to Elizabeth II, Illustrated Kings and Queens of England is packed with interesting facts about the wonderful English monarchy.
This coffee-table book shows the fascinating progression of English history. Every monarch has a biography plus details of their birth and death dates, the dates they ruled and details of their offspring.
Each monarch is accompanied by a vintage Victorian etching, lovingly restored to perfect condition and vividly colourized. These images bring each monarch to life. Anyone with a love of British history will adore this keepsake book. See English history as you’ve never seen it before.
Go to getbook.at/illustrated_k_q to find out more on your country’s Amazon store. The kindle version of the book will be a kindle countdown deal at $0.99 or 99p from 25-29 November, along with my other books. Click here to details on that offer.
Hardback ISBN: 978-8493746483
Paperback ISBN: 978-8494593727
Kindle ASIN: B00Q34BNH6
Can you explain what’s batter in your book compared to other books about the whole series of Kings and Queens of England, except for the images? I’ve already got so many books about the British Royals.
Hi Joan,
My book gives an overview of each monarch from King Alfred to our present queen, with their life and reigned condensed to a page each. Each monarch’s profile then has a beautifully coloured antique image. If you go to Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Illustrated-Queens-England-Claire-Ridgway-ebook/dp/B00Q34BNH6/, you can use the “Look Inside” feature to browse the book or download a kindle sample to see if it’s a book you’d be interested in. If you have got lots of books about royalty then it might not be the book for you.
Best Wishes,
I have this book in hardback, and even if there wasn’t any script with it, so worth having for the beautiful illustrations alone.
Enjoyed reading your article at your first stop on interesting deaths of Kings. I left a post on there (plus not to be entered into the draw for obvious reasons) l just wondered if you, or anyone else had read the book l had mentioned The Death of Kings by Clifford Brewer. Can’t account for how accurate it is as a whole, but l enjoyed it. At least he doesn’t have Henry Vlll dying of syphilis…that must be a good sign surely, lol. It has a chapter on The Historic Pattern of Disease, then all the monarchs from Edward the Confessor to Victoria… Even Oliver Cromwell!!