August 31 – The Bloody Flux hits Portsmouth

On this day in Tudor history, 31st August 1545, in the reign of King Henry VIII, the ‘Bloody flux’ hit the port of Portsmouth on the south coast of England. It killed many of the men serving on the ships in its port.

But what was the Bloody Flux?

What were its symptoms and why did it kill so many soldiers and sailors?

Find out about the Bloody Flux, its famous victims, and how it is still affecting people today…


On this day in Tudor history, 31st August 1545, a contagious disease known as the ‘Bloody flux’ hit the port of Portsmouth.

The previous year, King Henry VIII had come to terms with Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, over a war with their joint enemy, France. However, he was soon left high and dry when Charles betrayed him and came to an agreement with France. The aging Henry VIII was intent on war though and set about gathering troops and ships at the port of Portsmouth on the south coast of England. France was also intent on invading England.

On 19th July 1545, Henry VIII’s ships, Henry Grace a Dieu and the Mary Rose, sailed out into the Solent off Portsmouth leading the English fleet against the French, who had advanced on them. Sadly, Henry VIII’s favourite flagship, the Mary Rose, sank, taking with her most of her crew.

This wasn’t the only bad news for the English fleet. On 1st August 1545, Lord Lisle wrote to the Duke of Suffolk from on board The Harry, informing him of the bad news, the fact that disease had hit the ships that were making their way to Portsmouth to cross to Boulogne, which was now being threatened by the French. Lisle wrote “there is a great disease fallen amongst the soldiers and mariners almost in every ship”, explaining that the men had “swelling in their heads and faces and in their legs” and that many of them had “the bloody flux”.

On 15th August, Thomas, Lord Poynings, governor of Boulogne, wrote to Henry VIII from Boulogne, saying “am somewhat diseased with the bloody flux, and forced to keep my bed these three days; and, albeit I mistrust not but to recover”, so the disease had obviously taken a hold there too. Poynings died just three days later. By the end of the month, there was an epidemic in Portsmouth and it killed many of the men serving on ships stationed in the port.

But what was bloody flux?

It was what we’d call dysentery today. It was a real killer in the medieval and Tudor periods, and is still killing people in the developing world today. Symptoms include fever, stomach cramps, dehydration and severe diarrhoea. In severe cases, the sufferer would pass bloody stools, hence the name. It is an infection spread through contaminated food or water, for example, water that has been contaminated by faecal matter, or person-to-person due to poor hygiene. There’s little wonder that soldiers and sailors suffered when they were in close contact and didn’t have access to good hygiene and toileting.

Dysentery can be caused by parasite or bacteria, and today, treatment for it depends on which type of dysentery it is. It can include drinking plenty of water or special hydration drinks and medicine to kill parasites. Back in the Tudor period, treatment for the bloody flux would include blood-letting.

As well as the soldiers and sailors of Portsmouth, famous victims of dysentery include Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, who died of it at Leicester Abbey in 1530 while travelling to London to face charges of treason; Erasmus, the famous Humanist scholar, who died from dysentery in Basel in1536; Sir Francis Drake, the Elizabethan explorer, who died of it in Panama in 1596, and King James I, who died during a severe attack of dysentery in 1626 after having been weakened by a number of other health issues.

When I looked up dysentery today, I found that fulminant amoebic dysentery has a 55-88% mortality rate and that between 40 000 and 100 000 people die of it each year. It’s still having an impact on our word.

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One thought on “August 31 – The Bloody Flux hits Portsmouth”
  1. The Bloody Flux or Dysentery as we know it today left untreated can be fatal, in the Crusades thousands died of it and it also killed the young Prince Henry the son of Henry 11, it has always been rife in the Middle East and many soldiers died from it in the Second World War, there was a special hospital where victims went and not far from the site, was a cemetery, severe dehydration leaves the body weak and vulnerable, the abdominal pain and blood must have been horrendous, if you survived you were lucky, Claire is right it is still around today, it was not a good day for Henry V111 who lost his flagship with several hundred men on board, and as if that was not enough his soldiers also, fell victim to the Flux, now a stay in hospital would be needed and a drip attached with glucose to replace the lost body fluids and salts, sailors have always been vulnerable to diseases on board a ship, scurvy for one in the early eighteenth century, life was extremely hard and they rationed food and ale, hard tack biscuits were baked for the sailors and they carried all sorts of disgusting insects like weevils in them, apart from dysentery there were other tropical diseases, also there were trouble from the natives when they docked in strange lands, Captain Cooks men were killed by cannibals, and men either died from starvation thirst or drowning, one of the victim’s of dysentery was Sir Francis Drake,
    it’s rather sad to think of the bold adventurer dying from such a common thing, he raided Cadiz and other Spanish ports and was active when Philip sent his Armada to England, he would have preferred to die fighting not wasting away from some illness, a truly awful disease indeed.

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