Ask Anne Boleyn, or rather an Anne Boleyn actress!

Actress Fleur Keith as Anne Boleyn
Actress Fleur Keith as Anne Boleyn

Jan Hendrik Verstraten, writer and director of the “I Am Henry”​ British short film, is offering Anne Boleyn Files followers the chance to ask Fleur Keith, the actress who plays Anne Boleyn, questions about her role, what it’s like to play Anne, what research she did etc., anything you like really. Fleur will then answer questions in a blog post.

“I am Henry” is set in the hour of King Henry VIII’s death and one of the most dramatic and emotional scenes is when Anne Boleyn’s ghost appears to Henry VIII and gives an account of her last hours alive. The film is doing the festival circuit initially, but Jan hopes that it will be available for online download or on TV at some point in the future. Let’s show our support and interest! You can follow “I am Henry” on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Please ask your question by leaving a comment on this post by the end of Friday 11th September.

Image: From “I am Henry” Instagram

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