Anne Boleyn Day Competition 2013

Anne Boleyn day competitionI like to commemorate the anniversary of Anne Boleyn’s execution on 19th May with a special ‘Anne Boleyn Day’ competition so here’s this year’s competition – I hope you enjoy it!

I usually do some kind of article competition but I wanted to do something different this year, something that everybody would be able to participate in: a quiz/scavenger hunt.

All you have to do is answer twelve questions. Many of the answers can be found here on The Anne Boleyn Files (tip: use the Google search box in the right hand menu bar) and you can easily find the answers to the others online. Once you’ve answered all twelve, simply email your answers to me at One lucky winner will receive an Anne Boleyn themed goody bag.

The Prize

  • Tudor themed tote bag
  • Anne Boleyn B necklace featuring a gold-plated B pendant
  • Signed copies of my 2 Anne Boleyn books – The Anne Boleyn Collection and The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown
  • Signed copy of The Creation of Anne Boleyn by Susan Bordo
  • Signed copy of To Die For: A Novel of Anne Boleyn by Sandra Byrd
  • Signed copy of Tarnish by Katherine Longshore
  • Signed copy of Le Temps Viendra by Sarah Morris

Thank you so much to Susan, Sandra, Katherine and Sarah for kindly donating signed copies of their wonderful books.

The Questions

  1. In what year did Claire Ridgway start The Anne Boleyn Files?
  2. What nationality is Claire?
  3. Who was Anne Boleyn’s Master of the Horse?
  4. Which ambassador referred to Anne Boleyn as “the concubine”?
  5. How many Tudor books has Claire written?
  6. Sandra Byrd’s To Die For tells Anne Boleyn’s story through which woman’s eyes?
  7. Where does Sarah Morris’ title Le Temps Viendra come from?
  8. Susan Bordo’s The Creation of Anne Boleyn is described as “Part biography, part …” (2 words)
  9. Which Tudor queen did Katherine Longshore’s first Tudor novel feature?
  10. Where is Anne Boleyn’s resting place (be specific)?
  11. Where was Anne Boleyn crowned queen?
  12. Which movie had a scene in which Henry VIII visited Anne Boleyn in the Tower and Anne told Henry “MY Elizabeth SHALL BE QUEEN! And my blood will have been well spent!”

The Rules

  • You must answer all 12 questions and email the answers in one email to
  • The closing date is midnight 20th May 2013 (US Eastern time).
  • The competition is open to participants from all countries.
  • One winner will be picked at random from the correct entries.
  • Only one entry per person will be considered.
  • The prize is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for something else.
  • The winner will be announced on The Anne Boleyn Files on 21st May.

Good luck and I hope you enjoy searching for the answers.

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