Thank you so much to Tamise from The Lady Jane Grey Reference Guide for alerting me to the announcement regarding the airing of the BBC2 programme on Anne Boleyn. I then went to the BBC2 Media Centre and they have announced the dates and times for the programmes on Anne Boleyn and Thomas Cromwell:
- The Last Days of Anne Boleyn is on BBC2 at 9pm to 10pm on Thursday 23rd May.
- Henry VIII’s Law Enforcer: The Rise and Fall of Thomas Cromwell is on BBC2 at 9pm to 10pm on Friday 24th May.
See for more details on BBC2’s season of Tudor programmes.
No details are given yet for the other programmes.
How marvellous that the BBC are broadcasting a series of Tudor related programmes, the first of which is about Anne’s fall with special contributions by Weir, Mantel and Gregory. Should be fascinating.
The week after I understand there’s to be a serious of programmes on nuclear fusion with special contributions by The Three Stooges and The Chuckle Brothers. What fun!
Special contributions by Weir, Mantel and Gregory fills me with trepidation, All are pretty hostile, although Weir to her credit does make clear in her books that she does not believe Anne and those five men to have been guilty. Mantel and Gregory both bent history and depicted Anne and George as snivelling cowards, when even the most hostile of their contemporaries reported the opposite. It just makes their books look silly.
Sorry but I think Anne Boleyn looks like Wallis Simpson in the picture from the BBC show.
Will the show be broadcast on the Internet after it airs on TV?
I image that it would be loaded onto the BBC iplayer website. They usually load things about an hour after they have finished being aired on TV
I was aware of the two programmes about the Tudors but not about the others, so thank you for the link. I can’t wait to watch these programmes. Also on BBC1 towards end of May the White Queen is being shown too the author of the book is Philippa Gregory.
I’m not looking forward to 19th May.
Keep up the good work Claire, you are amazing!