The Anne Boleyn Files is 7 years old today!

Claire Feb 2016 thank youI can’t quite believe that it’s been seven years since I wrote my very first blog post on The Anne Boleyn Files. It’s been quite a journey. I’ve gone from being someone who had Tudor history as a hobby to writing about Tudor history full-time. From blogger to writer, from feeling alone in my Tudor addiction to having friends all over the world who are just as nutty about history as I am!

It’s been a rollercoaster ride and I’ve loved every minute of it, or the majority of minutes anyway! I feel so blessed to be able to work from home and to spend every working minute on my hobby. Some people get excited about shopping, fast cars, movies… I get excited about primary sources!

Thank you for making this possible. Thank you for encouraging me every step of the way, for reading my blog posts, for commenting on them and sharing your thoughts, for being polite and friendly even when you think I’m talking rubbish, for buying and reading my books, for being gracious when I make a mistake, for allowing me to get on my soap box every now and then, for supporting Tim and I on our history and publishing ventures, for being there… We really couldn’t do it without you. It’s been a wonderful seven years and I look forward to spending lots more years sharing Tudor history with you.

Thank you!


Claire Ridgway

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23 thoughts on “The Anne Boleyn Files is 7 years old today!”
  1. Congratulations on your 7th anniversary, Claire! You’ve done a wonderful job sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm about Tudor history. The Anne Boleyn Files has become a daily stop for me on the internet because it’s always entertaining and educational. Thanks for all you do!

  2. Congratulation to you and Tim, Iv only had a computer for just over five years and only discovered your website about two years ago and have been hooked ever since, I find it very therapeutic to immerse myself in another world away from the dreariness of housework and shopping may the Anne Boleyn Files continue to long reign over us.

  3. Was it your birthday present to yourself? If so it certainly is the gift that keeps on giving – to all of us.
    Happy birthday by the way (I know it’s past).

  4. Claire, I remember the day I found your site and was so thrilled someone had put real dedication toward the Tudors–you are an inspiration to all of us with a passion that needs a kick start to get off the ground! And yes, what IS more exciting than finding a primary source! Continue on!

  5. It’s because of sites like this that I no longer feel alone either with being a Tudor-phyle!! I will be entering a Liberal Arts Masters program in the next couple of years that is specific to the Tudor era of British history, and I have you, in part, to thank for it, Claire!!

  6. Thank you so much for teaching me about history I have learnt so much you have given me an interest considering I didn’t like reading,I have bought all your books they are all fantastic thank you for taking the time to produce such a wonderful informative website

  7. CONGRADS!!! I want to thank u for this great site!!!!! I have learned so much from your site!!!! keep up with the great work!!!!!!!!!

  8. Congrats, Claire!! What a wonderful achievement! It must be very gratifying that your labor of love is being appreciated by thousands of Tudor fans. Thank you for enriching our lives with the magic, mystery, and edutainment of Tudor history!

  9. Happy 7th anniversary, and may there be many many more! I’m grateful for a site that provides accurate information!

  10. You are a rare Tudor gem Claire! Doggedly hunting down facts, researching various forms of writings, and art, uncovering wonderful facts and insights about our dear Henry VIII and his lovely bevy of wives, while answering all of our questions! Many thanks…

  11. Congratulations. I visit this site most days (rather obsessed with Anne). I love it. I have learnt so much more about Anne and the Tudors. Thank you

  12. I have recently found and started reading your site (and backreading LOTS) and want to say how much I’m enjoying it – congratulations on your anniversary!

  13. I love coming on the site and I absolutely really appreciate everything you and Tim do.You guys are awesome!Congratulations!

  14. Many congratulations. I came across this super site only very recently via a talk Claire gave regarding Richard III’s DNA findings online. Reading the various topics here has reawakened my interest in the Tudor period and history generally. Claire’s hard work breaths life into characters from the past in a way that my history teachers never managed to achieve. Well done!

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