Anne Boleyn expected to die on the 18th May 1536. Her almoner arrived at 2am to pray with her and Archbishop Cranmer arrived at dawn to hear her final confession and to celebrate the Mass with her. Anne was preparing to meet her maker, but her death was to be cruelly postponed.

You can more about this in my article 18th May 1536 – Postponement and Preparation.

P.S. To commemorate Anne Boleyn’s execution and to spread the true story of her fall, I am offering the Kindle version of my book The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown FREE on Amazon US and UK today and tomorrow (18th and 19th). Please spread the message! Click here for the listing.

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5 thoughts on “18th May 1536 – Waiting to Die”
  1. thank you for the gift of the book -The Fall of Anne Boelyn, I also am reading your book the Anne Boleyn Collection (it’s so interesting – 1 of those – don’t want to put down). I really enjoy this webiste. 🙂

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