18 June 1546 – Anne Askew Arraigned at Guildhall for Heresy

The Anne Askew of The Tudors preaching.
The Anne Askew of The Tudors preaching.

On 18th June 1546, Anne Askew, a young woman from Lincolnshire who we know now as a Protestant martyr and poet, was arraigned for heresy at London’s Guildhall along with Nicholas Shaxton, Nicholas White and John Hadlam (Adlams or Adams). They were all found guilty and condemned to death. Chronicler and Windsor Herald Charles Wriothesley recorded the results of the hearing:

“The eigh tenth daie of June, 1546, were arraigned at the Guilde Certaine Hall, for heresee, Doctor Nicholas Shaxston, sometyme bishop of arraigned for Salisburie; Nicholas White, of London, gentleman; Anne Kerne[Kyme], alias Anne Askewe, gentlewoman, and wiffe of Thomas Kerne [Kyme], gentleman, of Lyncolneshire ; and John Hadlam, a of Essex, taylor ; and were this daie first indited of heresie and after arraygned on the same, and their confessed their heresies against the sacrament of the alter without any triall of a jurie, and so had judgment to be brent[burnt].”

Anne Askew was burned at the stake at Smithfield on 16th July 1546.

Click here to read all about her life, arrest and death.

Click here to read a ballad said to have been written by Anne Askew while she was imprisoned. You can also read martyrologist John Foxe’s record of the examinations of Anne Askew in the online version of Acts and Monuments.

Notes and Sources

  • Wriothesley, Charles. A Chronicle of England during the reigns of the Tudors, from A.D. 1485 to 1559, p167

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4 thoughts on “18 June 1546 – Anne Askew Arraigned at Guildhall for Heresy”
  1. What an incredible amazing woman. I took a few minutes to read the areas to click above (her life, arrest, death, her ballad, John Foxe’s record) and it was awe inspiring to think of such a strong woman with such strong beliefs.

  2. i think anne askew was as brave as any man very strong faith i could not have endured torture the way she did .

  3. Her conviction was stronger that anything the cruelty of mankind could put her through.
    Those that turned the wheel of the rack she was tied too were as vile as you could get torturing a young woman. I bet if the boot was on the other foot they would not of had the strength to bide by their beliefs, they probably would have crumbled at the first ‘turn of the screw’. Cowardly,despicable monsters.

    I thought it was it was illegal to torture women in Tudor times, well as illegal as things could be then, legalities being something that could be changed on a daily basis to suit an outcome.
    Had Henry given permission to inflict such atrocities on Anne, does anyone know, or what it a case of keeping ‘Shum about’ it, which in those times it was nigh on impossible to keep anything under wraps…

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