#WednesdayFact – Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn’s love messages

Did you know that Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII exchanged love messages in a religious book?

See https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/anne-boleyn-book-of-hours for photos of the inscriptions.

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One thought on “#WednesdayFact – Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn’s love messages”
  1. I believe Anne was indeed telling Henry in a very subtle way that she would give him a son, I wonder if this was after they had pledged to marry, or maybe this was in the early days of Henry’s courtship when he was yearning for her physically and was hoping she would yield to him body and soul?, the illustration of Christs suffering depicted Henry suffering for his love for Anne, that he was hers forever was what he truly believed he had never felt this tumult this overwhelming love for any woman before, as we know he was not Anne’s ‘forever’, but the flowery inscriptions between these two hopeful lovers is the legacy we have left of a once great but doomed love, and one which rocked England and set her on a completely different path forever.

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