Even though I do a countdown to Anne Boleyn’s execution every year, I’m always struck by just how fast everything happened. On this day in 1536, 11th May, Queen Anne Boleyn only had eight days left to live.

Just as the Grand Jury of Middlesex had met the previous day, the Grand Jury of Kent met to rule on the alleged offences committed by the queen and her five alleged lovers in the county of Kent.

In yesterday’s video talk, I looked at the charges laid against them, and in this video, I look at the dates, places and crimes, cited in the indictment. If we’re to believe the grand jury, then the queen was one busy lady!

There are lots and lots of Tudor history videos on my Anne Boleyn Files and Tudor Society YouTube channel, so please do consider subscribing – click here. I add new content on a daily basis. If you prefer audio, then my talks are also available as podcasts on Podbean or your usual podcast app. And, if you prefer reading, then this website has thousands of articles, including one on 11 May 1536.

And today’s normal “on this day” video is about a doctor who saved a queen, one of Henry VIII’s wives, from a plot against her. Let me tell you more about this doctor and the plot, and his role in it.

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