The Fall of Anne Boleyn by Claire RidgwayAs you know, I have been busy editing my second book The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown which is due out soon. Well, today is the launch of the book website!

Over at, you will find:-

  • An interactive timeline – I will be adding events as they happen, as we countdown to the 19th May 1536. Today’s event “Chapuys Bows to Queen Anne Boleyn” is there.
  • Information on The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown book
  • Bibliography – A full bibliography of the sources I used in writing The Fall of Anne Boleyn. It’s split into primary and secondary sources.
  • Cast list – List of the main characters involved in the events of 1536.
  • Printable timeline
  • History Research Report – Sign up to receive this report and also to be informed of the book’s release.
  • Author bio – That’s me!

Do let me know if you think there’s anything missing.

P.S. I will let you know as soon as The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown is launched!

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37 thoughts on “The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown – Website Launched”
  1. You must be a jumbled up bag of excitement and nerves. Well done on being so organised though. It will be great. I am looking forward to the book.

  2. I am so looking forward to this book. It will be a great antidote to all the myths and rumours. And just as important, told from the heart.

  3. Can hardly wait! So looking forward to this this book (I have been holding back ordering 1st book so I can get both together!) Book website is great – just had a peek at it. Like all your followers, I just can’t get enough of Tudor history! Well done and best wishes – hope this book flys off the shelves as well.

  4. I am QUITE interested in seeing this, and thanks! A poster on another site dared claim that Anne Boleyn was ‘Henry’s illegitimate daughter’, and this book would certainly provide proof that she was not.
    Looking forward to this book 🙂

    1. LOL! so by that site’s logic, Henry would have been the one that committed Incest! or he would have been like 8-9 years old when he became her father, I know he was a precocious child, but really??! I’m math challenged but even I could figure out there was a 10yr age difference between them Henry b. 1491, Anne b. 1501. My head aches after this mind bender! lol
      Neither proposition is viable. Some sites just gather good and bad information and throw it out there without sense of responsibility.
      Hurrah for Claire and congratulations on the new website. It is a lot of work to keep up with them. Claire you must work day and night!

      1. When Henry VIII was asked point blank about the rumours regarding him sleeping with Anne’s sister and her mother, he replied “Never with the mother” and I believe him. He would never have slept with Anne if he had thought that she was his daughter as sexual sin was thought to have dire consequences and he would not have wanted to risk deformities etc. in an heir to the throne. Like NanBoleyn, I do not believe there is any evidence that Elizabeth slept with Henry or that she had a dubious reputation. See
        Thank you for your kind words on the website, I do work silly hours but I love what I do so it’s not really “work”!

        1. I nearly howled with laughter on reading about the Anne-Henry incest,, but of course, when I tried to set the record straight, I was told I was crazy! LOL!

          Looking forward to getting your book. Can I still get a copy of your first? Thanks 🙂

  5. Dear Claire,

    Woooooo Hoooo!!! Hoarding your first book for our family vacation and now I will have a second one as well !! Life is good. Congratulations and when is the third coming out? No presure of course!

    1. Thank you, I hope you enjoy both of them! For the past three years I’ve been working on three books, as well as The Anne Boleyn Collection, so there are two more in the pipeline and ideas for others.

  6. Caire,Looking foward to your next book as I am sure it will be as great as the first book!! I happy that some one stepped up to the plate and came out with the truth on what really went down. Besr Wishes Baroness

    1. Thank you, Baroness, and thank you for being a part of my journey. I get so much encouragement every day from people on this site and it keeps me going when I feel tired or down.

  7. I have got butterflies in my tum for you Claire, with this exciting event on the horizon.
    I think you ought to take a well earned rest, after the lauch, you don’t want to burn yourself out girl 🙂
    So good luck, we are right behind you, waiting with baited breathe to get our hands on this much awaited book. It will be a roaring sucess…

  8. Claire,
    Congratulations on your new book. I can not wait until I have a copy. I am so excited for you!!!

  9. Awesome idea for a book! I like the whole concept of counting down days to mirror present times, makes it all the more real and difficult to forget.

  10. Cant wait to read it!!!!!! Since you did an awesome job with your first book claire I think this book will also be great!! 🙂

  11. I gotta tell you, I have been obsessed with Anne Boleyn since I was in high school and Anne of The Thousand Days was on TV late one night and I just happened to catch it! (Yes, not the most historically accurate movie ever). I am so thrilled there is a website like this for her! She is such a beautiful enigma and you are doing a tremendous job! Keep up the great work!

  12. You are a busy lady! I look forward to reading your new book. Love the concept, and the cover is just heart wrenching and brilliant. Congratulations Claire!

  13. Adding this to my wish list, thanks for the review. Never knew this book was out there.

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