The Anne Boleyn Fellowship – Webinar Tonight

Just a reminder to those of you who are members of The Anne Boleyn Fellowship that there is a webinar tonight at 8pm US Eastern time (2am for me – aaagghhh!). It’s on Anne Boleyn artefacts and is a very visual presentation with lots of slides. Full details are on the Fellowship site.

If you’ve never heard of The Anne Boleyn Fellowship, it is a members-only site which offers:

  • Webinars – These tend to be every 6 weeks and I speak for about an hour and then answer your questions. Replays are available for those who cannot make the time and all presentations are archived.
  • Magazine – This comes out four times a year and features articles from experts on Tudor history and authors. Past issues are archived
  • Exclusive videos and audios featuring historians and experts
  • Articles and e-books to read and download
  • Primary sources I find during my research
  • Private forum
  • Family trees

Membership is by annual subscription and it costs $49.99 a year. See for more information.

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2 thoughts on “The Anne Boleyn Fellowship – Webinar Tonight”
  1. Really enjoyed that Claire, thank you. The slides were marvellous, had no idea there were still so many lovely things left of Anne’s, a part from the few letters, the odd initial and the books at Hever. Learnt a lot.

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