Signed Book up for Grabs – His Last Letter

I’ve just reviewed the wonderful “His Last Letter: Elizabeth I and the Earl of Leicester” by Jeane Westin over at our Tudor Book Reviews site and Jeane has kindly given me a signed copy of her book to auction for the Mary Rose Appeal.

Last week’s signed book, “The Captive Queen”, raised $130 for the Mary Rose Appeal so thank you for all your bids and to Nancy, the winning bidder for her generousity.

“His Last Letter” is released tomorrow (3rd August) straight into paperback and the copy you are bidding on is new and signed by the author, Jeane Westin. Between now and midnight (PST) on Friday 6th August, you can bid by leaving a comment below, giving your bid for this signed book in $US. If you’d prefer your bid to be anonymous to the public you can email me your bid at and I’ll add it as an anonymous comment on your behalf. Bidding starts at $11 and every cent goes to the Mary Rose Appeal.

We welcome bidders from all over the world.

I will announce the winning bidder on Saturday 7th August here on the site.

His Last Letter by Jeane Westin says of “His Last Letter”:-

“They were playmates as children, impetuous lovers as adults – and for thirty years were the center of each others’ lives. Astute to the dangers of choosing any one man, the Virgin Queen could never give her “Sweet Robin” what he wanted most – marriage – yet she insisted he stay close by her side. Possessive and jealous, their love survived quarrels, his two disastrous marriages to other women, her constant flirtations, and political machinations with foreign princes.

His Last Letter tells the story of this great love… and especially of the last three years Elizabeth and Dudley spent together, the most dangerous of her rule, when their passion was tempered by a bittersweet recognition of all that they shared-and all that would remain unfulfilled.”

Click here to read my review but here is an excerpt:-

“As soon as I received “His Last Letter” through the post I stopped reading everything else and spent my weekend reading it and not doing a lot else. I was hooked from the very beginning and I am not exaggerating when I say that the Prologue had me in tears! To be in tears in the first few pages just shows how Jeane was able to get me empathising with the characters straight away and how I was already part of their lives.”

The Mary Rose Appeal

Here at The Anne Boleyn Files, we have pledged to raise £500 for the Mary Rose 500 Appeal, an appeal to help the Mary Rose Trust raise £1 million to help build the new purpose-built Mary Rose Museum and complete the conservation of this famous Tudor ship with all of its 19,000 wonderful Tudor artefacts. The new museum will be an amazing resource to educate people about Tudor life and times, and it will be wonderful to finally have these artefacts on display for people to enjoy. As I write this, we have already raised £442 so thank you so much for all your support.

Good luck and get bidding!

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13 thoughts on “Signed Book up for Grabs – His Last Letter”
  1. I place a bid of $60. I was wondering when Alison Weir was going to have the sequel for “The Lady Elizabeth”, which I believe will be called “The Phoenix and the Fox,” out? I was really excited for that one and I was wondering if you anything of when it will be out?

  2. Hi Maria,
    I know that the sequel is The Phoenix and the Bear and is about Elizabeth and Leicester but I’m not sure when it’s due out. I know Alison’s next book is a factual one on Mary Boleyn.

  3. i am very keen on reading about mary boleyn, thanks again for the great work you do to supply us with this great history, and i really hope prince william gets cracking, and makes his mind up on pretty little kate, thanks jian

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