Book of the Month – January 2011

Our first book of the month for 2011 is Robert Parry’s “The Arrow Chest”, an historical novel published on the 4th January 2011.

Here is an excerpt from my review on it:-

Being under the weather with a bad cough at the end of last week gave me the perfect excuse to curl up on the sofa with my Kindle and blanket to enjoy this latest offering from Robert Parry, author of one of my favourite books “Virgin and the Crab”.

In the past I have described “Virgin and the Crab” as “magical” and after reading the last page of “The Arrow Chest” I sighed and proclaimed to anybody who was listening (my dogs!) that it was “beautiful”. It’s hard to put into words what I mean by “beautiful”, but I would say that “The Arrow Chest” was a joy to read, that it gripped me, that I was satisfied with its conclusion and that I felt disappointed when the experience of reading it was over, I wanted more! It was definitely one of those books when you use every excuse you can think of to go off by yourself and read it, no matter how much work you have to do or what family commitments you have – a book you just can’t put down and a book you feel the need to talk about to your nearest and dearest. I think my husband may have got rather bored with me saying “Oh Tim, I love this bit, listen to this…” but I felt compelled to share my thoughts and feelings on Parry’s story.

What It’s About

The blurb says:-

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