Mary Boleyn – What do you want to know?

As you know, I’m doing a masterclass on Mary Boleyn on 12th February as part of my 7-day online event “Anne Boleyn, the Woman who Changed England”, and I really want and need your help, please!

Either watch the video or read the transcript below, and then leave me a comment if you are able.

I’m busy researching for my masterclass, but before I collate my notes and plan my talk, I thought I’d ask for your input, after all, I’m doing it for you!

Mary Boleyn was obviously a key character in Philippa Gregory’s “The Other Boleyn Girl” and “The Last Boleyn” by Karen Harper, and she also appeared in Showtime’s “The Tudors” series and “Wolf Hall”. She’s also been the subject of two full-length biographies, the first by Josephine Wilkinson and then by Alison Weir. She’s a character that seems to grab people and really pique their interest, so I’d like you to help me plan my masterclass.

Please can you share, by leaving comments:

  1. What you think of Mary Boleyn? Who is your Mary Boleyn?
  2. What interests you about Mary?
  3. What myths do you think surround Mary?
  4. And, finally, what questions do you have about Mary that you want answered?

I really want this masterclass to be useful to you, so please do help.

I anticipate the masterclass on 12th February being around 90 minutes with questions, and it will be live, so you’ll get your question answered in real time.

The masterclass is a bonus for ticketholders of “Anne Boleyn, the Woman who Changed England” who sign up before the end of 8th February and you can sign up at

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