Today is Good Friday, unless you’re a member of the Orthodox Churches, the day that Christians around the world remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for us. It is an important day in the church calendar and was also important in Tudor times.

As I have written about it many times over the past few years, I thought I’d share a couple of links with you, along with my video of the Good Friday procession 2019 from my area. If you’re a Tudor Society member, you can head over to that site to hear my talk on hot cross buns too!

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5 thoughts on “Good Friday”
  1. For church services, since we can’t alleet together we’ve had pre-recorded messages from the Pastor that we can access each week. Easter is going to be very interesting since there is usually Communion. One good thing that I hope comes out of this experience is that some will learn that the ‘church’ is not the building. It’s the people.

    1. Very well said Michael, I must admit I forgot it was Good Friday as the days seem to roll into one because of the world situation, il be having a slice of my simnel cake tonight, that’s really the nearest I get to Easter that and the Easter eggs.

      1. That sound really good. I’m not having eggs but I do have banana bread.
        I know what you mean about the days. They all seem so alike I have to glance at a calendar to know what day it is.

  2. Thank you for posting this! It was dignified and touching. How is Easter handled? Is there some sort of ceremony to remove the figure, or is it just done quietly? I would like to know more of the details.

  3. Clair, thanks for the marvelous information you publish. Every time I read one of your posts it’s like a history lesson. I watched your video today and I noticed you have a tat on your left arm. Would you care to share the content?

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