George Boleyn Video 5 – George’s Religious Views

In part 5 of our video series on George Boleyn, Clare Cherry and I discuss George Boleyn’s religious views. Tim thinks that this is our best video yet, so I hope you enjoy it.

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2 thoughts on “George Boleyn Video 5 – George’s Religious Views”
  1. I loved this conversation, thank you for it! But I have to disagree a little; it is entirely possible that for George, the books and the study were intellectual exercises divorced from belief. i think in fact that is what he said in his impressive scaffold speech; if only I had actually practiced the lessons of the Gospels instead of just debating them I would not be standing here.

    He seems to me to be an interesting person of some depth who realized he had wasted his gifts.

    1. I don’t think that you can separate what George read and produced from his beliefs when this kind of literature could be deemed heretical and therefore dangerous to be associated with.

      I think the passage in his speech that you’re referring to is:

      “Wherefore, least the Word of God should be slandered on my account, I now tell you all Sirs, that if I had, in very deed, kept his holy Word, even as I read and reasoned about it with all the strength of my wit, certain am I that I should not be in the piteous condition wherein I now stand. Truly and diligently did I read the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but turned not to profit that which I did read; the which had I done, of a surety I had not fallen into such great errors. Wherefore I do beseech you all, for the love of God, that ye do at all seasons, hold by the truth, and speak it, and embrace it; for beyond all peradventure, better profiteth he who readeth not and yet doeth well, than he who readeth much and yet liveth in sin. God save the King.”

      And I think that any practising Christian would feel that way when they’re just about to meet their Father and Creator, and there was the inherent belief that everyone was a sinner and deserving of death, whether or not they were actually guilty of the crime they were condemned for. I think George was regretting that he had not done more to further the Gospel in his life and to live a truer Christian life.

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