George BoleynAs many of you know, Clare Cherry and I have been working on a biography of George Boleyn, the poet, courtier and diplomat who tends to be overshadowed by his sister, Anne Boleyn. The book is now in the hands of our editor, so Clare and I are getting together next week to celebrate and make final decisions re illustrations etc. We thought this would be a great opportunity to hold a Q&A session on George.

All you need to do is to comment below this post with a question you have about George Boleyn and Clare and I will do our best to answer as many questions as we can when we get together next week. Tim’s going to video us too!

We need the questions by the end of this Friday (14th) and we’re hoping to have the video ready to view here on The Anne Boleyn Files by 28th March at the very latest.

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