Fan Boleyn: Anne Boleyn in subculture – Can you help a student?

Anne Boleyn NPGMickey, a long time visitor to The Anne Boleyn Files, is doing a survey as part of his doctorate and would love your help. Here is a message from Mickey with all the details:

I’m a PhD student at London South Bank University writing a doctorate entitled ‘Fan Boleyn: Anne Boleyn in subculture’, on the interest, following and fandom surrounding Anne Boleyn. The study will focus in part on online communities and websites with a particular focus on The Anne Boleyn Files, as it is the foremost online resource for all things Boleyn. I’m also comparing and contrasting with the following around Mary Queen of Scots and discussing which of these two tragic queens is the most ‘popular’, and why. This is research not so much about Anne as about the people who are drawn to her; in other words, YOU.

I am looking for possible participants to assist me in my research, and am inviting users of this forum participate in my research project. If you are interested in taking part then all you have to do is click the Survey Monkey link below and fill in the questionnaire. It’s all completely anonymous, no email required. Please note the survey will take a good hour or two to complete properly but you can save and return to it any time you like.

If you wish for clarification of my credentials then comment below and Claire can contact you with the email addresses of my tutors.

Thanks for your time,



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