Discover the Tudors Tour – Join me in September!

British History Tours launched this tour just before Christmas and I posted about it then, but I just wanted to write about it again as Philippa has let me know that there are still some Early Bird discounted places available. Philippa and I are leading the tour and we’re visiting some stunning Tudor places. I’m very excited!

Leanda de Lisle, author of White King: Charles I, Traitor, Murderer, Martyr, Tudor: The Family Story, The Sisters Who Would be Queen: The Tragedy of Mary, Katherine and Lady Jane Grey and After Elizabeth and one of my very favourite historians, has just confirmed that she will be joining us on the evening of Day 4 for what I know will be a wonderful talk.

  • Day 1 – Pick up in London, travel to Windsor. Our hotel is opposite Windsor Castle and it’s a 14th-century building! Evening talk from Claire Ridgway (me!).
  • Day 2 – Visit Windsor Castle, including St George’s Chapel and the State Apartments. Did you know that Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world?
  • Day 3 – Visit the iconic Tudor palace, Hampton Court Palace, and enjoy a private guided Tudor-focused tour.
  • Day 4 – Visit Hatfield House with its Tudor Great Hall, extraordinary collection of Tudor artefacts and famous Tudor portraits, including the Rainbow and Ermine portraits of Elizabeth I. Travel on to historic Stratford-upon-Avon. Evening talk from Leanda de Lisle.
  • Day 5 – A day in historic Stratford-upon-Avon. Visit Shakespeare’s Birthplace, New Place (where Shakespeare died) and Holy Trinity Church, where Shakespeare is buried, and hear William Shakespeare’s story. Evening activity TBC. Our hotel is a lovely red brick manor house opposite near the river and the Royal Shakespeare Company!
  • Day 6 – A visit to Kenilworth Castle (I love the haunting ruins!) which was once home to Elizabeth I’s favourite, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, and where Elizabeth spent 19 days visiting him in 1575. Visit to Bosworth Battlefield, where the Tudor story began in August 1485. Evening talk, speaker TBC.
  • Day 7 – Travel to London – our hotel overlooks the Tower of London! Visit the historic London Charterhouse which was home to the Carthusian monks executed by Henry VIII and which also became a Tudor mansion owned by Edward North and Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk. Evening informal discussion.
  • Day 8 – Shakespeare’s Bankside and Globe Theatre Tour followed by a talk on Elizabethan dress. Visit to the National Portrait Gallery where we will come face-to-face with some of the most important characters from the Tudor period. Farewell dinner and chance to talk Tudor!
  • Day 9 – Breakfast, check-out and say goodbye.

Here’s a trailer video:

This is an exclusive luxury tour and it includes:

  • Dinner, Bed and Breakfast in beautiful 4* hotels – 8 nights, 9 days
  • Admissions and Private guided tours
  • 3 private expert talks
  • Travel for the duration of the tour in a private coach
  • Visits to 12 historic venues
  • Dedicated Tour Managers – Philippa Brewell from British History Tours and author Claire Ridgway from the Anne Boleyn Files and Tudor Society
  • Maximum of 25 tour participants

The Early Bird Booking Offer is for the first 8 places (so be quick!) and is a saving of £300 per person. You can book by paying a deposit at Full details, including booking terms and conditions, are also available at that link or you can email Philippa at if you have any questions.

Do let me know if you’re coming!

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2 thoughts on “Discover the Tudors Tour – Join me in September!”
  1. Hi. We are immigrating to the UK end March 2o18. I would l9ve to go on the Tudor tour in Dec. But cam only b9ok once we are actually living in the UK. How can I reserve a booking?

    1. Hello Elize, this is Philippa from British History Tours. I’m running the tour with Claire.

      You can reserve your space now from anywhere in the world via Paypal, please visit

      You will see Paypal payment buttons on the page, choose whether you are paying a deposit for a single traveller or two people sharing and follow the online instructions. Once I get notification of payment I will send you an email to confirm that and a copy of the booking form for you to complete.

      Hope that helps, it’ll be lovely to see you in September. Good luck with the move!

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