Did Anne Boleyn and George Boleyn commit incest?

Yes, time for another question about Anne Boleyn! You lords and ladies are keeping me very busy.

I thought I’d better not include the word “incest” on YouTube as it might attract the wrong kind of viewers and subscribers, or bring down the wrath of the YouTube gods on me, so I’ve used “unnatural relationship” as a euphemism.

Did they really commit incest? What was the evidence used for the incest allegation? Was the deformed foetus evidence of incest? These are all questions I receive and questions I explore in this latest video.

If you prefer to read articles rather than watch videos, I’ve included some links below the video for further reading.

By the way, don’t forget to enter our 10 Year Anniversary Giveaway. You can find out all the details in the video at https://youtu.be/-G_gRzdyP6Q

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