Claire holds Anne Boleyn’s Books of Hours

Hever Castle was the childhood home of Queen Anne Boleyn and is now home to portraits and artefacts linked to her, including two Books of Hours.

Thanks to the team at Hever (thank you Alison, Owen and Helen!), Claire Ridgway, author of “The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown”, had the honour and pleasure of taking a close look at Anne Boleyn’s Books of Hours and even holding them.

In this video, Claire interviews Hever Castle supervisor, Owen Emmerson, about these two beautiful books.

Also, on the morning of the 19th May, the anniversary of Queen Anne Boleyn’s execution, Hever Castle invited me to go up on the roof and help hoist Queen Anne Boleyn’s flag! Exciting!

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8 thoughts on “Claire holds Anne Boleyn’s Books of Hours”
  1. Thank you, Claire! That was very moving. I did cry a bit at the injustice done to Anne, but also because it was very special to see the books at their true home. Wish I could’ve been there!
    Love, Anira

  2. So wonderful!! I visited Hever last month and getting to see the books in person was an incredible experience. One of the men working there at Hever told me that Anne had one of her books of hours with her on the scaffold. I believe it was the “Remember me” book. Did you happen to get any information on Anne having it with her at her death?

  3. Thank you so much for sharing. I understand your emotion. I get choked up just seeing photos of her books with her handwriting. It must have been overwhelming to actually hold them. They really bring the reality of her existence to life.

    Take note King Henry: As hard as you tried to make it otherwise we are still talking about Anne but not you.

  4. Thank you Claire and to the curator for sharing the beautiful prayer book and book of hours of Anne Boleyn, one which she may even have carried with her at the end and one which she owned as a young woman and growing up in which she wrote. Very beautiful items and very lovely to see them in such details. It must have been very emotional and exciting holding a book that precious which belonged to Anne.

    Such a special privilege. Many thanks for taking time out from your tour to make this wonderful video for us.


  5. Hi Claire, I have seen the book and longed to hold it even for a second!! How thrilling for you.
    I am lucky enough to have visited this lovely castle many times. It holds a special feeling in my heart and every time I see the books it is overwhelming.

  6. A beautiful beautiful video Claire thankyou so much, how honoured you must feel to actually be holding Annes book of hours and her prayer book, the book which legend says and which is probably true, she carried with her to the scaffold and entrusted to her dear friend Mary Wyatt, it was like a fairytale listening to the enchanting music and I thought the tapestry in the background was gorgeous, to see the other signatures was a bonus but I’m not sure how Anne would have felt knowing that Elizabeth the sister of her rival Jane Seymour, had written in her beloved book of hours, a fascinating video well done!

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