The 17th February 2012 marks the three year anniversary of The Anne Boleyn Files, which I can’t quite believe! Wow, where did all that time go? Anyway, Dr Linda Saether, who has been following us right from the start, had the wonderful idea of publishing a book to celebrate the anniversary – “The Anne Boleyn Collection” was born!
I’m still working on my book on the Boleyns, so don’t worry, but Linda’s idea was to put together the most popular articles from the last three years and publish them in a book format. I’ve done this but I’ve actually extensively reworked them and also included some new articles. The result is a 260 page paperback called “The Anne Boleyn Collection” and here is the blurb…
The Anne Boleyn Collection Blurb
The Anne Boleyn Collection – A collection of fascinating articles on Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII and Tudor history
Written by Claire Ridgway
- Should Anne Boleyn be pardoned and reburied as Queen?
- Anne Boleyn and “The Other Boleyn Girl”
- Did Anne Boleyn dig her own grave?
- The Six Wives’ stereotypes – are they right?
- Did Anne Boleyn commit incest with her brother?
“The Anne Boleyn Collection” brings together the most popular articles from top Tudor website The Anne Boleyn Files. Articles which have provoked discussion and debate. Articles that people have found fascinating. Written in Claire’s easy-going style, but with an emphasis on good history and sound research, these articles are perfect reading for Tudor history lovers everywhere. Discover the REAL truth about the Tudors.
Coming Soon!
The book will be released in March 2012 in paperback and also as an ebook for your Kindle or e-reader. You can subscribe to our mailing list to be kept informed by filling in your name and email in the Subscribe Now box in the left hand menu bar or by going to You’ll also receive a 12 page report, book list and primary sources list.
I hope you’re as excited as I am!
Will it be available on for U.S.?
Yes, it will. It will be available as a paperback and a Kindle version on the US site and should eventually go on international Amazon sites too.
This sounds like a good gift for someone who has shown a bit interest in the Tudors and needs an introduction. Looking forward to read it myself before my sister gets it. Do you sell the paperback edition on Amazon?
Available for Europe, I mean.
Hi Lina,
Being in Europe myself I definitely want it to go on the Amazon European sites but I think that takes a bit longer. I will be letting people know as it’s released in different countries. Thank you! x
Hi Claire,
this is exciting! Congratulations on the book!! I have enjoyed your website so much, and look forward to getting the book on my Kindle, so I can have it with me wherever I go! Many thanks for all your hard work and research in keeping us all informed.
Best wishes, Shar
Thank you! I can’t stop hopping around with excitement!
Claire, this is fantastic news! Congratulations! As you know, I’ve always thought you should be publishing your stuff. Who’s the publisher for this one? S x
Thank you! I’ve messages you on Twitter xx
It will be sold through US Amazon? PLEASE let it ship to Aus, let it ship to Aus!!! xx So excited for you sweetheart, you better make sure they print a lot of copies as I know many people will want a copy!!
Don’t worry, world domination is my plan!
This is fantastic news! Can’t wait 🙂 Hope it will be up on fairly soon.
Thank you! 🙂
This sounds great Claire. I look forward to it being available from Amazon.U.K
It’s going to be an exciting moment for me when it goes on Amazon and then Amazon UK etc. I think I’ll have to take screen captures!
Interesting! A must have! A must read! 🙂
Cannot wait to get my hands on it! 🙂
Thank you!
I can’t believe it!!!1 Ive been following your site for almost a year now and your knowledge of the period is amazing!!!!! I can’t wait, when do you think it will be out ??
Thank you, that means so much to me. I love researching the period and then sharing what I’ve found it and I feel very blessed to be able to do what I love.
The proof copy is on its way to me so it’s all in the pipeline and should be released next month.
So excited to hear this news- I knew your signature would become famous one day! =) And thank you Dr. Linda for your inspiration. =)
Thank you! You’ve been on this journey with me and it was so wonderfu to meet you last year xx
meant *wonderful* lol!
I am SO excited about this book & cannot wait to purchase one! On second thought, as Lina mentioned above, I may be buying more than one to give as gifts (especially for my friends whose only exposure to Anne has, unfortunately, been through The Other Boleyn Girl). Congrats Claire!
Thank you, Emily!
So exciting! Will definitely be getting a copy but just wondering – will it ever be released in New Zealand? We’re totally in need of GOOD books on the Tudors down here!!!!!
Hi Bella,
It will be published in the US first but then should roll out internationally, I will keep everyone posted on the progress 🙂
Wow, it’s been wonderful to wake up this morning and see all the encouraging comments on Facebook and here, thank you so much!
Hi Claire
I’ve been lurking for a while on the site and have now registered.
Do you know how much the book is likely to be, roughly? I’m in the UK and am looking forward to having it on my Kindle.
Hi Deborah,
I’ve just emailed you 🙂
How wonderful! Congratulations to you! This is exciting news. I can not wait to get a copy for my collection of book on Anne and the Tudor times. I have learned so much from this site and tell others about it. Thank you for all your hard work to educate us on the truth. You have made Anne real to me. Not just a history lesson. You are an inspriation to me to dig and keep going to learn about Anne and the Tudor court. I think that Anne would be proud of you. Maybe she knows(?)
If it’s released in March we should have our copies in time for you to sign them on the Discover the Tudors tour in June, unless, of course, you plan to make the book part of the goodie bags we get for signing up for the tour!
Yes, they will go in the goodie bags and I’ll happily sign them 🙂
Great! I’ll be proud to have a book autographed by the soon to be famous (if not already so, at least to fans of the Anne Boleyn Files) Tudor author, Claire Ridgway! It can go on my bookshelf with the autographed copies I already have by the likes of Eric Ives, John Guy, Leanda deLisle and Linda Norton!
Congratulations Claire! I can hardly wait. I can just see “our” Anne smiling down on us as we think the best of her! Not Henry but Anne our “Anne”.
I’d like to think that she’d be pleased with what I do…
I look forward to reading it!
Claire you do just so much for the tudor fanatics.
thnx a lot:)
Now I know chances are less but will it be available in India????
PLEASE do reply.
thnx again:-)
Hi Samridhi,
Thank you, I really enjoy researching and writing about Tudor history, it’s my passion. I’m not sure about it being available IN India, but it should be available from online shops which ship to India and I’m also publishing it as an e-book. Hope that helps!
Oh this book is so exciting Thank you so much, Claire!!!! Now my friends and family can’t use the “no time for the internet” excuse for not reading your website! muahahaha now I can bombard them with a BOOK! My parents just began to watch The Tudors and my father keeps coming up to me with “is this real? who is that? Did that happen?” 🙂 Swear I’ve said “well on her website Claire says…” So yeah…Thank You for putting a book together.
Chelsea, that’s so kind of you to say! I’m so glad that you will be able to use my book with your friends and family and I’m so humbled that you talk about me like that! 🙂
Whoopee!!! this is great news to cheer up the ‘February Blues’, will be waiting with baited breathe….
Great ‘blurb’ too, no misleading concepts there…or headless tudor ladies on the cover either, we are all in for a treat here.
Congratulations, Claire, proof of all your hard work, brilliant, I can’t express how pleased I am for you (and us) enough, I think I am as excited as you, phew better go and have a glass of vino and calm down, lol, Cheers! 🙂
Ah, thank you, you guys are making me go all weepy! I’m really excited and have further projects in the pipeline too! Thanks for your encouragement, Dawn 🙂
I have been following your site for a very long time (though didn’t sign up for email updates until last year). I am such a fan and I cannot wait to add this book to my library. Congrats on your book and look forward to more to come! Next on my list…buy the entire disc set of the Tudors!
Sooooooo excited….on the edge of our chairs….it is going to be a great success…!!
Claire! That’s an amazinnnnnng idea! I just loveed *-*
I hope it will be disponible to Brasil. I Know that’s dificullt but I hope so!
Hi Ingrid,
Thank you! Are you able to order books from Amazon? If so, then you will be able to get it. If you can’t, let me know. 🙂
Congrats! I eill have to get this when it comes out!
Great news, Claire. You should be very proud!
Congratulations, Claire! Who is publishing the book? I wish Houghton Mifflin would work as fast–commercial publishers here in the US require a year for production, from submission of manuscript to books on the shelves. Are you self-publishing?
Well done! As someone who has just started out blogging, it’s very encouraging for me to read your success story.
You may be interested in my blog, about the impact Henry’s Reformation had a small town in Essex
Bonjour à tous et toutes!
Est-ce-que le livre sera disponible en français? Et sur Amazon?
Bonjour, Alex!
Le livre sera publié sur Amazon aux États-Unis d’abord, puis j’espère que ce sera aussi aller sur leurs sites internationaux. Il ne sera disponible en anglais cependant. Il sera également publié pour les e-lecteurs/e-readers, comme le Kindle.
Merci Claire!
Thank you Claire, your “Collection” will be a gift to all Anne Boleyn’s fans.Congratulations.
I will certainly buy it on my Kindle.
Best wishes.
This is the best news! Done very quickly and I’m happy for that! Congratulations and I can’t wait to get my hand on it! Well done!
How wonderful! Can’t wait and I was just looking into buying a Kindle this week!
I have a Nook from Barnes and Noble, will this be available for me to download as an E-book?
A hearty congrats and well-done. Plan something fun for release day!!
My sincerest congratulations Claire!!! Excited about the mere idea of reading it!
Claire, the “Blurb…” could not be more accurate! It is enticing and oh so correct! It shows that an ad CAN be truthful! With you, it is always more than just truthful, but with additional facts, etc.
Will it be available on That is the main place I shop for books. I really hope so!
This is exciting news! You are incredible. Who did the dust jacket? This is going to be a first class, “have-to-have” book.
My fingers are shaking just writing this…..Thank you! WilesWales
Tim did the cover… Bless him! Looks even better in real life than it did on the computer. Thanks for your amazing comment.
If it comes out on, I’ll wait on pre-order (I buy the cards at the grocery store once a month now) of Gortner”s pre-publication of “The Queen’s Vow: Isabella.” As most Gortner fans know, it is like, “The Confessions of Catherine de Medici,” etc. The whole of Europe fell into Tudor History at some point.
I do know that would love to have your book, and if they have it, it will go on (Barnes&Noble).
Am I preaching to the choir here? Thank you! WilesWales
How exciting! I can’t wait until it comes out in Europe, I am 100% sure that it will be the best tudor book ever.
Congratulations Claire! 😀
Congratulations, that is an incredible accomplishment and the culmination of a great deal of hard work. Have a great time celebrating your book!
Can’t wait to get this on my Kindle in March!!!!! Great job Claire and grats!!!! You amaze me each time I open my email and there I have a message from the site telling me what you are up to yet AGAIN! What a woman! Thanks for all you do for us and can’t wait for the book!
YES CLAIRE! Just so you know I am excited as you and really look forward to adding this to my treasured collection of history books. I often wished that your articles were also in a book for me to read through and I finally will be able to soon. Thank you for turning your passion into something so great that everyone who shares the same passion can benefit from it! WELL DONE 🙂
Looking forward to reading this new book—-presently reading the book on Elizabeth the women who influenced her—-so interesting –I am lovin’ it!!
Really can’t wait to wait it
Really can’t wait to reading
I am delighted for both you Claire (&Tim!) and Linda, I wish you both every success and well done!
Talking Anne Boleyn, there is a play on at the Globe called you guessed it “Anne Boleyn”