Anne Boleyn Portrait Giveaway

Mar11,2019 #Anne Boleyn giveaway

To celebrate reaching 20,000 YouTube subscribers and to thank people who have subscribed to my YouTube channel, followed my posts, read my books, and just put up with me going on and on about Tudor history, I thought I’d do another giveaway.

It’s my way of saying a big thank you for the ongoing support and encouragement I receive.

Tim has been a fan of Gemini Art for some time, since he loved artwork she did for an album cover for a band he knows, and he came up with the idea that we could commission Gemini to do a portrait of Anne Boleyn. Gemini was happy to do so and the result is so pretty. You can see the various stages of the portrait in the video below. She’s done a fabulous job.

The portrait is unique. It’s not a print, it’s the original, the one and only. It’s a fabulous prize.

You can enter using the widget below or by going to

Anne Boleyn Portrait Giveaway

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