Like last year, I want to commemorate the anniversary of the execution of Anne Boleyn on the 19th May with an article competition. I want you to write an article about who or what you think was responsible for the fall of Anne Boleyn:-

  • Thomas Cromwell?
  • Henry VIII?
  • Anne Boleyn herself?
  • The Aragonese faction?
  • Jane Seymour?
  • A combination of factors? etc. etc.

You can choose the title but I want you to give me your theory, tell me why you believe it and back it up with evidence if you can. The winning article will be chosen on its merits, the writer’s ability to back up their theory, whatever their point of view.


The judges will choose one winner to win your choice of either a $30 Amazon voucher (£20 for Amazon UK users) or a $30 Anne Boleyn Files voucher for use on our jewellery ranges, arts and crafts, dresses or French Hoods.


Here are the rules:-

  • Write an original article about the reason(s) for Anne Boleyn’s fall, giving it your own title.
  • The article should have a minimum of 400 words – There is no upper word limit.
  • Email your article, along with your full name, to by the end of Wednesday 12th May. The winner will be announced week beginning the 17th May. I will be on the Anne Boleyn Experience 2010 tour but I will announce the winner here on the website.
  • Your article must be your own work and by entering the competition you are giving your permission for it to be published on the site. Obviously you can quote academic sources.
  • If you quote from a book or historical source then please cite it.
  • Do not use an article that you have already had published elsewhere.
  • The prize is non-transferrable and cannot be exchanged for something else.

All articles will be published here on the site so that visitors can read them and enjoy them. Good luck!

Ask any questions in the comments below or email me at

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31 thoughts on “Anne Boleyn Day Competition”
  1. hi i just tryed to send email with my compertion piece but you need to add me as i got poasmaster faliure love yr site

  2. I am SO in. I’ve been perusing this site for months silently, but I can no longer keep silent about the fabulousness that is AB!

    Question: Will pieces that are a rambling of opinion and acquired facts be given as much consideration as those that are more academic? I have read dozens of books on Anne but also have my own strong personal feelings on the subject.

    Looking forward to submitting my piece to you.

  3. Hi Lindsay,
    I’m so glad that you like the competition idea and do please enter. The competition is not for purely academic articles and I’m happy for people to write in any style that they want to and offer their own opinions and feelings. I will not be judging on a purely academic basis and just want people to convince me of their views! Good luck!

  4. I’m so jealous that you’re going on the AB Experience tour! I wish I could go…I hope they do it every year and I can try next time!

  5. Oooh this sounds great! I think I’m going to try and enter, but I don’t know if I’ll have the time to put something good together, end of the school year is hectic! Great idea Claire! Good luck to all who enter

  6. Bring it on ladies and let the competition begin! Can’t wait to read Claire’s journal entries about the Anne Boleyn Experience. Have fun everyone and Claire take lots of pictures to post for us poor souls who are left behind.

  7. I’d love to do this. But the closing date is also the date of my first higher (A-level) exam – English. Yay… I would really like to enter (and my one would just be a rambling sort of essay) but I just don’t have the time. 🙁

  8. I wish I had seen this sooner! But I’m going to attempt to get this done by the 12th (I majored in English Ed in college and always seemed to put off my papers until the last minute anyway!). Great idea for a competition!

  9. Hi Claire,
    I have never thought any of the things she was accused of had any truth in them,but I do feel she contributed to her own downfall and it began years before the end came. I dont want to say to much here because I want to enter the compertition xx

  10. Hi Claire, i just sent you my report twice just in case you don’t get the other one. please notify me if you got my report, thank you.

    my whole name is Karla Pouya

  11. Had same problem sending to your email address, came back undelivered. I tried your suggestion using Hope you received it from Kathie Pharo.
    Thanks for checking. Really enjoy the site. Finally, people who are fascinated by Anne like me!

  12. Hei there 🙂 I too wanted to take part in the competition and i really like the forum too …. I too had problems with sending the article but did it from and I hope you received it 🙂 By the way my name is Hristoslav Stankov :))

  13. Oh that’s weird in my country Bulgaria it is 10:30 pm now but on the forum it says it is written in 12 :30 so we have two hours difference :S Hope you get my article and everything’s fine

  14. Hi Hristoslav,
    I haven’t received it yet via yousendit, so it may be worth sending it again. Don’t worry about the time. I’m in Spain and it’s 9.49pm here but I realise that people are entering from all over the world so there will still be people sending them while I’m asleep!

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