The Anne Boleyn Collection II
Cover concept

Those of you on The Anne Boleyn Files list of email subscribers will already know this piece of news, but I wanted to let everyone know – my next book, The Anne Boleyn Collection II, will be released on Amazon (worldwide) next week!

If you’ve noticed that I’ve been a bit quieter than usual – not replying to comments, not being quite as active on Facebook/Twitter etc. – it’s because I’ve been working on the final edits for The Anne Boleyn Collection II. The editing is done, the final layout with illustrations is done and it’s in the process of being uploaded onto Amazon’s system – exciting! I will, of course, post on here when the book is live on Amazon as a paperback and Kindle version.

The first Anne Boleyn Collection was a collection of articles from The Anne Boleyn Files, but The Anne Boleyn Collection II is a bit different. It consists of a few articles from the site, but also includes articles based on talks I’ve done and on my research into Anne and the Boleyn family. It also has illustrations.

The Anne Boleyn Collection II Blurb

Queen Anne Boleyn and her family have gone down in history as ambitious social climbers who stopped at nothing to gain the King’s favour, and who paid the ultimate price. But the real Boleyns were very different. In this collection of articles, best-selling author and creator of The Anne Boleyn Files website, Claire Ridgway, banishes the myths and introduces the real Boleyns. Written in Claire’s easy-going style, but with an emphasis on good history and sound research, these articles are perfect reading for Tudor history lovers everywhere.

Topics include:

  • The origins of the Boleyn family
  • Anne Boleyn’s date of birth
  • Did Anne Boleyn serve Margaret of Austria and Queen Claude of France?
  • Anne Boleyn’s love life
  • Anne Boleyn and James Butler
  • Anne Boleyn and the accusation of witchcraft
  • Anne Boleyn’s pregnancies and miscarriages
  • Pregnancy and childbirth in Tudor times
  • Anne and Elizabeth
  • Anne Boleyn and the Tower of London
  • Thomas and Elizabeth Boleyn, Earl and Countess of Wiltshire
  • George Boleyn, Lord Rochford
  • Jane Boleyn, Lady Rochford
  • Mary Boleyn
  • The Boleyns and Religion

and much more…

The Anne Boleyn Collection II is fully referenced, with chapter notes and bibliography, and includes over 40 illustrations. It has 354 pages in all.

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19 thoughts on “The Anne Boleyn Collection II Coming Soon!”
  1. Congratulations, Claire! You’ve worked so hard and you deserve the further success coming your way. The topics look to make a unique book about Anne and her family. I can’t wait to see it, especially the part of the origins of the family and their connections – a subject many people are unaware of. I’m counting the days until this book comes out!

      1. ACK! Man, having a crappy day here – I can’t get onto today’s post to congratulate you on today’s release, nor can I buy it today since my Kindle is in the shop! Phooey!

        Though I have to post it here, many congratulations on the new release and I look very much forward to reading every page. 🙂

  2. I although I missed the first book, I am looking forward to reading this! I absolutely love biography’s on Medieval historical figures

  3. i am looking forward to your new book!!!!!! it’s about time someone got it right. I have always believed the boleyns habe gotten a bad rap from the oft

  4. Am going to buy this book I bought the first one I think it great Clare putting so much into this well done . Anne and the Tudors and bolynes have always been interesting and I have never heard of James butler if it out for xsmas will buy it for my nook .

  5. Just wanted to say I have read about half of this collection….and wow…the source material is staggering! Awesome job Claire

  6. I am really looking forward to this read Claire. I ordered my copy this evening and is estimated to be delivered on the 26th, and I cant wait to hear that knock on the door by the postman!!
    Congratulations Claire, your book writing is going from strength to strength.

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