11 January – A colourful Lord of Misrule and the first recorded lottery

On this day in Tudor history, 11th January 1579, courtier, Member of Parliament, Lord of Misrule and poet, George Ferrers, was buried at Flamstead, Hertfordshire.

Ferrers was a rather colourful Tudor character. He caused a stir when he was arrested on his way to the House of Commons (the Ferrers’ Case), he was Lord of Misrule on several occasions and led a huge procession into London, and he had a hand in the arrest of John Dee. And that’s not all!

Find out all about George Ferrers in today’s talk from Claire Ridgway, author of “On This Day in Tudor History”.

Also on this day in history, 11th January 1569, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, the first recorded lottery was drawn at St Paul’s Cathedral.

Find out more in this video…

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