7 February 1478 – Birth of Sir Thomas More

Thomas MoreThis day in history, 7 February 1478 (some say 1477), is the traditional birthdate of Sir Thomas More, Henry VIII’s Lord Chancellor, in Milk Street, Cheapside, London. He was the son of Sir John More, lawyer and judge on the King’s Bench, and Agnes Graunger, daughter of Thomas Graunger, a Merchant of the Staple of Calais and an Alderman of London.

You can find out more about Sir Thomas More in the following articles:

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7 thoughts on “7 February 1478 – Birth of Sir Thomas More”
  1. Happy Birthday Saint Thomas More, greatest scholar, humanist, thinker, writer, courtier, dedicated to truth and honour, family man, promoter of female education, debater, champion of free speech, political independence of Parliament, universally admired and loved, not afraid to stand to tyranny, while respecting those who could not out of fear, a man who would not compromise his beliefs, a lawyer who practiced the law justly and with fairness and equity, friend to a King who betrayed him, friend to numerous scholars and the greatest consolation to Queen Katherine.

    1. More never abandoned his humanist beliefs, his writing reflects this, his courage reflects this, his defence of the truth reflects this, his uncompromising championship of learning reflected this and I think you will find it was Henry who turned from humanist beliefs. More, Erasmus, Fisher, the greatest scholars of their age.

  2. What I can never understand is how a king, even one so egocentric as Henry, could abandon and betray a man who was not only a great thinker and an extremely intelligent man, but one who had always been faithful to his king. There was never any room for rethinking or leeway, never mind pardon or possibly even discussion with Henry who was always ready to abandon today’s favourite for tomorrow’s fawning service …

    1. Henry seems to have been able to flick a switch from love to hate if he felt let down by someone or betrayed. It was the same with the Carthusian monks, one of whom was close to the king, with Anne Boleyn and also with Catherine of Aragon and Mary. Thomas More knew him well and knew he was capable of it. It is so very sad.

    1. He was involved in the condemnation of five people.
      He was a great scholar and humanist and a patron of the arts, a great thinker and he taught his wife and daughters as well as his son the classical education reserved for the best University education.
      He wrote and debated on a wide range of theological subjects, was interested in astronomy and science and was heroic.
      His life should be celebrated, not attacked.
      His works are as popular today internationally as they were then. He had a great sense of fun and humour.
      I will never stop praising this great man.

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