14 November – A big day in 1501, 1532 and 1541

three_eventsToday is a rather jam-packed day in history and as well as the usual births and deaths – including the hanging of poor Hugh Faringdon (born Cook), Abbot of Reading, for treason (for upholding papal superemacy) – we have three important Tudor events.

I have already written detailed articles on these events, so simply click on the links below:

  • 1501 – Henry VII’s eldest son Arthur Tudor, Prince of Wales, married Catherine (or Catalina) of Aragon, youngest daughter of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile, at St Paul’s Cathedral in London – click here.
  • 1532 – According to the chronicler Edward Hall, Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn secretly married – click here.
  • 1541 – An inventory was taken “of the goods and chattels, lands and fees of Thos. Culpeper, the younger”, the alleged lover of Queen Catherine Howard – click here.

Today is also St Erkenwald’s Day so Happy St Erkenwald’s Day to you!

Since writing this, I’ve just heard the awful news from Paris. I just wanted to say that my thoughts and prayers are with all my French friends and followers today. Loads of love to you.

Après seulement se réveiller à l’nouvelles horribles de Paris, je voulais dire que mes pensées et mes prières sont avec tous mes amis français aujourd’hui. Beaucoup de l’amour.

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