Claude of France
Claude of France by Corneille de Lyon

On this day in history, 13th October…

1499 – Birth of Queen Claude of France, wife of Francis I and eldest daughter of Louis XII of France and Anne of Brittany. Anne Boleyn served her in France.
You can read more about Claude in the following articles:-

1534 – Alessandro Farnese becomes Pope Paul III

1549 – The Council abolishes Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset’s Protectorate and also his membership of the Council.

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3 thoughts on “13 October – On this Day in History…”
  1. Hi and thanks for my favorite website 🙂

    Just curious: has anyone else noticed the resemblance between this:

    and this:

    Okay, so the first is supposed to be Queen Claude, and the second – Mary Boleyn.
    I just find it really hard to believe that this isn’t the same portrait, used in reference for two different women. So which one is it… is it queen Claude or Mary Boleyn, and do you have any idea why this portrait is used for both ?

    1. Hi Sway,

      It is a posthumous portrait of Queen Claude by the artist Corneille de Lyon and although it is used on Alison Weir’s book she does not claim that it is Mary Boleyn. Alison Weir does not believe that there are any authentic portraits of Mary in existence but she obviously had to have something on the book cover, hence the reworking of the Claude portrait which is rather misleading!

  2. Thanks Claire, for your fast reply:) Yes, misleading – that’s exactly what I meant, because really, this Queen Claude portrait is popular and I for instance always associate it with her. But anyway… I guess I understand that a book cover should be attractive, even though she could have been a little more creative in her choice…

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