13 May 1536 – A cross Henry Percy and a queen’s household broken up

On this day in history, Saturday 13th May 1536, Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland and a man with whom Queen Anne Boleyn had been romantically involved in the 1520s, wrote a rather exasperated letter to Thomas Cromwell.

It appears from the letter that the matter of an alleged pre-contract between the earl and Anne Boleyn was once again being talked about, yet the earl denied the existence of such a pre-contract in 1532.

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On the very same day that Northumberland was writing to Cromwell, Queen Anne Boleyn’s household was broken up and her staff discharged. Anne was imprisoned in the Tower of London, but she had not stood trial yet. However, four men had already been found guilty of high treason for sleeping with her and conspiring to kill the king with her, so she couldn’t exactly be found innocent, could she?

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