Tudor Cooking with Claire – A fool

Phew! I’ve just recorded my 15th “Tudor Cooking with Claire” video and the latest recipe is a Tudor fool.

Today, an English fool is a dessert made by mixing stewed or puréed fruit with cream or custard, but a medieval or Tudor fool was a creamy custard with or without bread soaked into it.

My recipe, as I explain in the video, is inspired by Gervase Markham’s Tudor “Norfolk Fool” recipe and a Stuart recipe “Elizabeth Cromwell’s Fool”, which had the twist of soaking the bread in sherry – yum!

It’s simple, but delicious, and it’s certainly one I’ll be making again. After doing the video, I also tried a baked version (baking for about an hour) and that was lovely too.

Here’s the video:

You can catch the other fourteen “Tudor Cooking with Claire” videos in a playlist on The Anne Boleyn Files YouTube channel – click here.

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