Well, that’s it, at least for those in the USA, “The Tudors” is now over. No more Jonathan Rhys Meyers or Henry Cavill to brighten our lives, no inaccuracies to get annoyed with, no interpretations of history to discuss, no more executions to sob over… what are we going to do with our lives?

Those of us outside of the US can look forward to Season 4 finally being aired in our own countries, but how can we fill that gap left in our lives?

  • Have “The Tudors ” marathon sessions – Watch Seasons 1, 2 and 3 again. There are bound to be things you missed the first time round, plus it gives you the perfect excuse to eat copious amounts of Hagen Daz, popcorn and chocolate and drink lots of glasses of wine.
  • Enjoy The Anne Boleyn Files – Browse articles and pages, search the archives or get involved in the forum and meet other Tudor history lovers. I love the community we’ve got here and hopefully it will help fill that gap left by The Tudors!
  • Read Tudor history books – Whether you like fiction or non-fiction, there are some excellent Tudor history books out there, a multitude in fact! See our Tudor Book Reviews site if you need inspiration.

  • Take a history course – Find out about history courses at your local college or do an online or correspondence course. See our Tudor History Courses page for details of some.
  • Lose yourself in the primary sources – The Letters and Papers from Henry VIII’s reign, various contemporary chronicles, the Privy Purse Expenses and the Calendar of State Papers for Spain and Venice are all available online. See our “Primary Sources” page for details but don’t blame me if you get addicted! I regularly lose track of time while reading them!
  • Visit museums and Tudor attractions – There’s nothing quite like visiting places like Hampton Court Palace, the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Windsor Castle, Hever Castle etc. to take you back in time. It is an truly incredible experience to walk where Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn walked.
  • Come on The Anne Boleyn Experence 2011 – Our Executed Queens Tour 2011 is fully booked but we still have places left on The Anne Boleyn Experience. This year’s tour was a dream come true for many people (including me!) and it’s great to spend a few days immersing yourself in Tudor history.

Any other ideas on how to fill that gap? Let us know in the comments below.

The Tudors Season 4 Final Episode

I was lucky enough to be able to watch the finale and what a finale it was. I was not disappointed and I felt it was a fitting end to the show. I won’t go into any more details as I do not want to spoil it for those who will see it when it airs in their country but it was wonderful to see Maria Doyle Kennedy, Annabelle Wallis and, of course, Natalie Dormer, again.

For comments regarding what happened in this season, please discuss in the forum section on “The Tudors” so as not to spoil it for others.

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